Shirl's Garden Watch asked us what three plants we could not live with out.
I instantly knew.
There are three flowering herbs that heal my every need.

Rosemary is my second must have herb.

I instantly knew.
There are three flowering herbs that heal my every need.

Lavender is my companion in this life.
I dry the lavender blooms every year for winter use.
It is part of my heart healthy tea blend.
It is in my bath, my laundry and under my pillow.
I have grown, harvested and dried lavender for 35 years.
I always leave a few blooms to go to seed so the lavender hedge is replenished.
I cannot imagine life with out lavender.
The bees love the blooms.
Rosemary is my second must have herb.
That lavender is such a popular plant on the deserted island as several bloggers chose it. Too cool! Love the rosemary and definitely we need some echineceas. Great choices!
WOW! I love this post and would like to ask you a BIG favor! Could I put the Lavender Fairy on my blog? THANKS! I love her!
What lovely choices. The wildlife on the island will be pleased and the fragrance will be wonderful.
How lovely, it will be a scented paradise island.
Dear Sherry.....I have been blog hopping to view everyones favourites.
You have chosen three beautiful you I could not live without lavender. There is not a day goes by when I don't use this herb in some way.....
Some stunning photographs.....stunning.....
I did not join in because I would have to take my garden, I couldn't live without it........
You have a very good taste obviuously...Lavender, Rosemary and Echinacea are plants which I alo love. I have also this three plants in my garden :-)
Hi there Sherry, sorry my ship was delayed by a few hours ;-)
Great to see herbs going to your Island – very nice choices. Ah… the pollinators will be happy too. I thought about rosemary and the cone flowers were in my shortlist for my third plant :-) What fun this has been meeting so many new bloggers. Have a lovely evening :-D
Wonderful photos of your must have plants! I love the lavender fairy, one of my choices too for so many reasons. I simply must have it in any garden. The rosemary wanted to be picked, but I couldn't give up the others, so glad you will have some for us too.
Really lovely photos and your island will smell great!
Great picks! I can smell the rosemary and lavender as I type. What a fun challenge this was.
Sherry, you have some great plants to bring onto the island.
I am so surprised that you can grow your rosemary outside. I have tried it several times without luck.
Your little lavender fairy is sweet.
Of course I love seeing that sweet little bee hanging there in time. Held up by the fragrance of the lavender no doubt.
A beautiful post...really lovely, like a sweet meditation.
I love rosemary, lavender and echinacea, too. So glad you picked them..we will need herbs!
What a nice post this is, Sherry. You really knew what you wanted to take, and they all have healing power. I like them too. I haven't grown lavender--ever. But, I've seen it enough around blotanical that I'm thinking I'd better put some in. Sounds wonderful;)
I have had no luck with rosemary. I think i've heard that there are some varieties that can withstand the cold...mine must not have been one of them!
Of course, the echinacea is lovely AND practical! Really nice choices!!
I love the sequence of shots. Great series.
Ah, I picked for my needs too! Couldn't help myself!
My favourite photo is the grape hyacinth!! I love them, but have not been able to get a decent photo of one yet. Thank you!!
Thanks for your recent visit to my blog Sherry and for your comment. I do like your choices. I grow lavender and rosemary too and they are both cherished plants. I have not had any joy with the echinacea, probably because it is too damp and shady in my garden. I am trying again this year. I noticed that your comment to me finished with the word 'Namaste' and wondered whether you had noticed the same word at the bottom of my blog ? :)
Sherry, I've seen the lavendar chosen on several of these posts; I really must find a good place to grow some. I like to spray a little lavendar on my pillow when I have trouble sleeping; it is such a soothing herb. And the echinaceas--I chose them, too! In fact, they are pretty popular I've noticed. I'll have to find out how you use the roots for tea. Mostly I just enjoy them for their blooms and as butterfly and bee magnets.
While I do not rely on my plants for health reasons, I rely on them to bring me joy in other ways.
I would sorely miss Lavender for it's beautiful fragrance and the bees love it.
I would miss Hibiscus to entertain and feed hummingbirds.
I would miss the Butterfly Bush that attracts the most beautiful butterflies.
That's my three.
I am enjoying reading the plants people would choose and why, but I just cannot come up with 3.
I love all 3 of the ones you picked, and they would be on my list if I had one, but just like we sometimes spend our tax return more than once, I'd have more than 3 on my list of 3. If that doesn't make sense, please excuse me. LOL
Dear Tina,
Lavender is so needed in my life. I truely cannot even imagine living without her.
This was fun!
Dear Diane,
I would be honored!
It is from "The Complete Book of the Flower Fairies" bt Cicely Mary Barker.
My signature plant is lavender...
I collect lavender things...
Hello Easy Gardener,
So good to meet you.
I am looking forward to reading your journal.
Dear Karen,
I do think this island would be paradise!
Dear Cheryl,
It was a fun meme. I do not play these very often.
I know I need lavender and rosemary and echinecea to survive!
The flowering herbs are good for the bees and for me!
Dear Shirl,
It is good meeting you and so many other fantastic gardens and garndeners.
I enjoyed this party...Thank you for being a gracious hostess.
Dear Frances,
Always happy to share!
Rosemary and lavender tea is delightful and so good for our hearts!
This was fun,
Dear Layanee,
Thank you. Nice to meet you!
Dear Karrita,
Looking forward to visiting you!
This was fun.
Dear Lisa,
My rosemary is about 10 years old.
I live in zone 5 and feel so lucky to have a plant that will overwinter. I have been layering it for all these years to create a hedge. I did have to start the hedge over after the early spring and terrible late season frosts of 2007!
Dear Gail,
Thank you! We will need herbs...
Dear Jan,
I hope you do try growing some lavender in your gardens. Harvesting, drying and using the lavender is a blessing for me...I feel so connected to my plants. When I was sick last year my Doctor suggested I let my herbs heal me. Now they take care of me!
The flowering herbs are good for everyone!
Dear Scienceguy288,
Thank you!
Took awhile for me to find the photos. I have many of my photos backed up on discs and stored. These are a few summer shots I kept in folders just in case...
Dear Dawn,
We all need our herb teas! I use my lavender in my bath and in my laundry...
Dear Judy,
The grape hyacinth photograph was accidently downloaded!! They are my favorite bulb.... I love this photograph so much I left it! Good lavender color and Mr. Bee is sweet.
LOL...need bees on the island...must have bees!
Dear Anna,
I did not notice your namaste on your is a lovely way to acknowledge another...
I love the herbs...
Dear Rose,
Lavender is my signature plant..
I would be lost without her...
Do try a few plants this growing season.
Cone flowers are fantastic plants! I love that they are your signature plant. The roots are dried and ground up for tea. Part of my heart healthy tea blend!
Dear Mary,
I love your three...
Miss Lavender is a bee magnet!
I will happily sit by your butterfly bush and your hibiscus...butterflies and hummers are part of my welness plan too....
This has been a fun meme.
Dear Sue,
I think I have a few seeds in my pockets...always have seed in my pockets....
I bet way more than 3 plants would end up coming with...
If I had been a pioneer woman my wagon would have been filled with seeds.
i would choose lavender and rosemary, as well, but my 3rd choice would be hard....delphinium (intense blue type), peonies, foxglove or hydrangea. i think it would be foxglove.
Ooh, I hadn't thought of taking healing plants to my island, as I was just trying to make sure I had colour all year - but I'd be lost without tea-tree and peppermint, so perhaps I should have done! Rosemary would be in my top ten must-have plants though, if not in my top three - I'd want it just for the smell, without even considering its healing qualities - it's a great choice :-D
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