Monday, April 09, 2007


I have been reflecting.
Deb, at Posted From Home, her daughter Kate at French Nest
and Pat at Back Porch Musings have given me the honor of naming Q's Corner as a blog that inspires them.

They have inspired me.

I feel as if I am a student.
Always learning; always asking questions.

I see you as the teacher.
In simple beautiful ways you share your experience, your hopes and your dreams.
You share your joy.
Thank you.

The Tree of Life has many branches.
These three beautiful spirits have given me kindness and smiles.
They have encouraged me to keep on believing.

Thank you.

Today I dedicate my posts to five other Journals that have inspired me.

The neighborhood is full of creative and giving hearts.

May they also inspire you.


Mary said...

Sherry, this is the kindest post I've seen in a long time. I can certainly see why you treasure these five journals. What a wonderful way to say Thanks - You're So Special!

Q said...

Dear Mary,
I have never been a part of a "meme". I wanted to let some of the people who are so kind when they visit Corner, know how I felt. There are others as well.
Maybe I can do a tribute every so often.
It was fun to think about each of these fine, creative spirits. The ladies that thought Corner was inspiring have journals I visit every day. I feel as if I know them; as if they are just down the street and around the corner. This community is precious to me.
Thank you,