Thursday, August 13, 2009


The cards are in the racks.

This is an exciting time for my photographs.

There are 21 cards in this collection.
I am so pleased my photographs were chosen.
The card company is "The Bird Sings".
You can see the entire collection at

I am one of four artists.
I am honored.
I am filled with joy!


Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Rightly so. Congratulations!

Terry said...

Congratulations! How exciting! :0)

Meggie said...

Congratulations! How wonderful that more people can get to share your beautiful photography!

Randy Emmitt said...


Congrads on the cards! Hope they sell well. Very exciting, have you had other photos published before?

I have a collection that I made myself and have sold them online and at nature festivals. Mine are blank cards so you can leave your own note on them.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

WOW! That is wonderful! You are so talented, my friend and I am thrilled for you! The cards are beautiful! What an accomplishment! I have always enjoyed your photos!

Cathy said...

Alright Sherry!!!!!! Congratulations too. Bet that made your day.

sweetbay said...

Congratulations! Your photos are so beautiful!

Flat Creek Farm said...

I am so proud of you!! And I'm not at all surprised. Your photos are simply breathtaking. Congratulations! -Tammy

Chrissie said...

Your cards are beautiful, Sherry. Good luck to you :-) I know they will do well!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What fun. I hope you sell lots and lots.

Jayne said...

WOW Sherry! Congratulations!!! How exciting to see your beautiful photos on cards. Whooo hoooooo!

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Congratulations Sherry! Lovely cards!

Anonymous said...

Sherry, congratulations! I am so thrilled for you. I've gone to look at all of your cards and they are wonderful. Did you also write the verses? I'm guessing you did after reading so many of your fantastic written posts.

Deb said...

CONGRATULATIONS Sherry!! Your cards are simply spectacular!

Mel said...

Querida Sherry,
Such great news!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You deserve that and so much more!

Marimoy said...

Oh Sherry! Your cards are lovely! You deserve all the publicity. Your photographs are exquisite and I am glad you can share them with more poeple!

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, Sherry - this is so exciting! Exciting! Exciting! Good luck with them - your work is exquisite and it looks like the 'writers' have done a terrific job! Wonderful to see...

marmee said...

this is great...i am so happy for your success. congratulations on this accomplishment.
i love when art can be what we do>!

Robin's Nesting Place said...

Congratulations! What a thrill for you! I would absolutely love it if one day I could actually use my photography for something useful.

Sprite said...


Oh Sherry!
I'm so very thrilled for you! Congratulations Girlfriend! This is just awesome.

Much Love~

Juliet said...

Congratulations! Your photos are so fabulous, you deserved to have them chosen. I hope the cards sell well.

I do love the ducklings in the previous post, btw :-D

Cheryl said...

Dear Sherry....congratulations and well done. Of course you were are the reach out and touch nature with your camera...
You will get my vote everytime my friend.....

Tammie Lee said...

I feel so happy for you and wish you a world of success!

Jan said...

Hi Sherry, I just visited the website featuring your lovely cards...they are beautifully designed; both photos and verse bring such peace to the soul! Congratulations;-)

Catherine said...

I am honored and filled with JOY for you ~how exciting!! They are lucky to have found & chose you ~your photos are so beautiful!!
Congratulations~ now everyone can enjoy you're beautiful photography!!

Dawn Fine said...

Awesome! You rock! Congratulations!

Wendy said...

Oh Sherry! I am soooooo excited for you! I had been thinking just the other day, how your card business was getting along. I am so glad you posted this. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

Lots of hugs, my friend. I am so proud of you and so happy for you!