Friday, August 14, 2009

Hummingbird Clearwing

When I went to the deck to refill
the Hummingbird feeders
I saw the Hummingbird Clearwing.

With wings constantly moving this diurnal, day flying,
moth appears to be a tiny Hummingbird.

Seeing these darlings was just the
inspiration I needed
to brave the heat, humidity and the mosquitoes!

There are three Butterfly bushes in the back yard,
all needed dead heading.

I do want food for the
Hummingbird Clearwings come September!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures as always Sherry. I'm always amazed when I see these hummingbird moths. We don't seem to have them here but I see them in E WA at my sisters house. Lovely.

Deb said...

Won't the Hummingbird Clearwing make a beautiful card :-)
Gorgeous, as always.
Have a wonderful weekend ♥

Cathy said...

Oh lucky you. I wouldn't mind having one here.

Thanks for the photos

Anonymous said...

Saw a beatiful hummer myself today. He fluttered (is that even a word?) from plant to plant and then zipped right off. A flash of color on a beautiful day.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I always want to pet these gorgeous bugs. They look so furry.

Terry said...

We had one of those at our butterfly bush the other day. They're so cool! :0)

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Fabulous shots Sherry! The little beastie and the blossom are beautiful on their own, but together . . . ahhh! What camera do you use?

sweetbay said...

Wow, great shots Sherry! These are beautiful insects and not easy to capture in photographs!

marmee said... glad you were able to see this beauty.

Flat Creek Farm said...

Sherry, you have just reminded me to deadhead my butterfly bushes as well. Thank you! I'm a terrible deadheader, I am. I love the clearwings. I haven't seen one in a very long time. I miss them! -Tammy

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful insects. A good reason to do some dead heading - a task I am always putting off till it is too late!

easygardener said...

Sorry about the Anon comment - I pressed the wrong button before I did Name/Url - Duh!

Cheryl said...

Dear Sherry.....perfectly captured. They are extremely beautiful....I would so love to see one here but have never been day.....

What is their food???

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting the Clearwings! I love them very much but they do not live here so your photos are my only chance to see them once in a while.

Catherine said...

Awww...I'm so envious~ I have tried so hard to get a good capture of the humingbird clearwings in my garden~I think they are even quicker than the hummers!~And just as beautiful, mysterious, and magical~don't you think..?! You~ have so many beautiful~perfect captures of it!!

Wendy said...

He's cute! I've never seen one before, except in a magazine. You captured him so beautifully!