I grow lots of minature roses because they are so easy! They are hardy to my zone, return every year and bloom all Spring and Summer and Fall. They are fragrant too and are charming in mini arrangements. They are edible! Plus I can make rose water for my face spritz!
This morning I harvested a dozen minature rose blooms. I put them in a glass pitcher and covered them with my favorite water, Penta. I drink one Penta a day, www.pentawater.com
I used room temperature Penta water and let the petals steep for the day. Than I strain and put some of my rose water in a crystal perfume atomizer for my lavatory. So lovely to look at. Off and on during the day I spritz my face. So nice to keep the face hydrated. Out of the refigerator the water will stay fresh for three or four days. The rest of the water I store in the refrigerator. It will stay fresh for a week. I only do eight to ten ounces at a time. If I want I can do up a large pitcher of filtered water add a dozen rose blooms, steep for a day and add the water to my bath. Smells divine in the tub.
The petals I roll into small beads for rose beads. These I string while wet and than let them dry. Come next December I will have a large garland of rose beads for one of the trees I do up. This year I am adding a rose bud inbetween each bead. That will look pretty. I do this all growing season. The roses are in bloom for the gardens, that is pretty and smells nice. Harvesting keeps them budding. I have roses for the house and for my rose water.
I buy the minature plants in November, December and January. When I really need flowers to keep my spirit joyful. Usually they are at the grocery store. I keep them alive until spring and than plant out in one of the gardens. I have a nice grouping of minature roses. A full use sort of plant. I like minature roses. They only need coffee grinds and egg shells for mulch. They grow for years. Some of my yellows are six years old!
I am not familiar with "Knock out"
sounds as if it would be beautiful!
It pleases me so very much whenever I receive flowers too!
Happy Anniversary.
Once the roses are finished being their beautiful selves as fresh flowers will you dry them?
Organically grown roses can be eaten! They are so lovely on a cake. Rose tea is nice too. Rose hips are high in vitamin c too.
My friend Andrew recommended that I flavor chocloate dishes with a bit of rosewater. Maybe I'll have to grow a rosebush so I can try it.
Pretty flowers!
Thank you, Sprite, for your follow up. I bet you are ever so pleased to see Knock Out Rose bush bloom. It will give you years of enjoyment plus the petals can become sweet water! Do let us know how all your roses are doing. I too love them so very much.
Creating a rose garden has always been a goal of mine. I think Knock Out must be beautiful. Long stemmed roses are ever so gorgeous! How lovely to have roses for your mantle and table. On the nightstand would be lovely too.
You can do so many things with your roses too.
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