Monday, June 19, 2006


I look forward to the blooming of the day lilies. Each bloom last one day. The stems are full of buds. These were given to me by a man who was selling insurance! He stopped to see my yard and brought me the plants in the fall. His hobby was growing day lilies. I have the names of each plant. These are suitable for show.

I planted zinnia seed yesterday all around the lilies. I should have flowers come September. That was the last of the zinnia seed saved from last year's plants. I will save again for next year. I have been saving the zinnia seed for 30 years.

1 comment:

Q said...

I think zinnias would be fine in a pot but will need lots of water. When it is windy or hot they will dry out fast. I have often watered twice a day. I do put water in all pot's saucers when I water. I think that helps. I also have potted in plastic pots and slipped those into the decorative pots, cache pots. The plastic growing pots do not dry out as fast as the terra cotta.
The zinnas do very well directly sowed or planted in the ground. At my house they thrive in the hot summer sun. Removing the spent bloom will allow blooming all summer too. Come September you can let the flowers fade and set seed. When I begin doing this I will post so you too can save seed from your zinnas for next year.
Always happy to share flower photos. I often will bring a lily bloom in to float in a bowl or my bath.