Tuesday, October 20, 2009

ABC Wednesday

N is for Needle

and Needlecraft.

N is for Nickle

and Native Americans.

N is for Noise makers.

Nice to have about this time of year.

N is for Naturalist

and Natural.

N is for Night.

N is for Necklace.

N is for

N is for Nuthatch.

N is for Nettle.
It is very high in Nutrition.
N is for notebook

at least until November.
To meet more very nice ns visit ABC Wednesday.
A remarkable N.


Cheryl said...

Dear Sherry......N's are very Nice. Full of things I can relate to.....things to Nourish and things to Nurture.

I drink Nettle tea. I have a serious allergy to Nettles. If you drink a weak solution of the tea, I am told that you can build up resistance. I am hoping this will work eventually.....I have many nettles in my garden for the butterflies, so have to take great care......

anthonynorth said...

A great collection of 'N's. Enjoyed that.

Tania said...

So many great N!:-)
Have a nice week!

Leslie: said...

You've gone all out here and it was wonderful to see all your ideas about the letter N. Where are those HUGE nests? Quite intriguing! And those books look really neat! :D

Kit Aerie-el said...

N = Novel notations!
Great post!

Anonymous said...

It is interesting how that bird was swallowed by the night. Interestingly, someone also posted something yesterday about birds singing in the dark and that always reminded me of my experiences when this actually would happen.

To find joy enough to sing one's song in the night while most of the world is asleep.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Such Nifty Ns Sherry. I really like that old noise maker.

penny said...

You have a lovely list of N's and wonderful photos to accompany them. A delightful N post :)

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Just lovely - in every way possible.

photowannabe said...

You put so much work into your N post. Great choices for the post. I never even thought of some of them.

Cathy said...

hey not Wed yet ;)

Love the nettie picture.

Carol said...

Such wonderful Ns and an enjoyable post. I like them all! ... but especially needle and natural, necklace and nuthatch...

James said...

What a great and very creative assortment of N's.
Thank you very much for the kind words that you left on my blog.

Rose said...

Another creative post, Sherry! I can see the influence of your visit to the Native American mounds.

I have been soaking up some of Nature's sunshine the past few days in the garden, and consequently had No time to do an ABC post this week:)

Rose said...

Oops, forgot to ask about the second photo of the nests--is this a sculpture or some type of artwork somewhere?

Nukke said...

WOW that was interesting !!!!!

Do you want to learn some Finnish ?

Tumblewords: said...

N's of note! The huge nests are fascinating while the noise maker exudes mystery and energy. All novel N's, for sure!

MaR said...

I was pleasantly welcomed by your fantastic first shot... didn't know there was a whole collection of great shots and wonderful takes on the theme!!
My ABC Wed

Jama said...

Great collections of N! I love the needle shot most.

Reader Wil said...

Very beeutiful series of N words, Sherry! I like all the photos! From France I wish you a great week!

jabblog said...

Lovely varied Ns but the macro shot of the needle is wonderful!

Judy said...

I love the way you find such a wide selection of things for your alphabet posts, Sherry!!
And your photography is delicious, as ever!!

annies home said...

wonderful and creative post

swapna said...

Well, that was indeed a real neat N post. "Needle"ss to say that i enjoyed the pictures and look forward to November.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm amazed at how many Ns you pulled together for this post...and all of them great!

Juliet said...

You've featured one of my heros in your post this week - I've been reading Gerald Durrell's books since I was a child and he was a big influence on my interest in wildlife and conservation. The zoo he founded is a fabulous place to visit - it's doing wonderful work conserving rare breeds and re-introducing them to the wild - and it doesn't feel much like a zoo at all, the animals have so much space and freedom.

The natural cures book looks interesting too!

Chrissie said...

Interesting N's Sherry. I am so pleased that you have Gerald Durrell! I visited his zoo years ago on Jersey too. I'm not really keen on zoos but I remember the space and the conservation work.

Roger Owen Green said...

nifty, as usual.
you don't see those nickels as often as I did as a kid. of course that was 45 years ago...

marmee said...

dear sherry,

what wonderful n's you have included. i love the first photo of the beautiful yarn and needle.
happy october so full of great things to celebrating.

Unseen India Tours said...

Some really beautiful stuff !! I loved the collection !! Nice post !! Thanks for sharing..

ShySongbird said...

Wonderful Ns here Sherry, as creative as always! I loved the Nuthatch of course ;) and am very intrigued by the nests!

Anonymous said...

Like all you N photos but those nests have made me curious! Can you tell me more?

Wendy said...

Lots of good things to appreciate starting with "N". I like your pics.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

What a lot of Ns. I have never seen the noise maker.

came via ABC