Friday, August 27, 2010

Hello, Welcome to our world

It was a bright morning.

The bees and butterflies were already flying
 when I went to check on the chrysalis.
Today would be the day!

I checked on the Black Swallowtail Caterpillars.
All six were doing just fine.

A Common Checkered Skipper
caught my attention.

A Black Swallowtail flew
over my head.

When I returned to the potting table
the Monarch had emerged.

"Hello dear Monarch.

Welcome to our world."

I sat with the Monarch.

I watched as he took his first flight.

My heart was already full when
a Great Spangled Fritillary

landed on a Marigold.

       These are the colors of joy.
A very happy day.


Barb said...

I so enjoyed these photos, Q, especially of the Chrysalis and the emerging Monarch. You have witnessed a miracle of Nature.

Jan said...

Hi Sherry, I so enjoyed all of your photos! This is such a special time. We are having similar experiences in the garden. I have been in awe of the butterflies this year...maybe more than ever before. There seem to be so very many of them!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What beautiful photos, and how special to see a new life emerge like that! I loved looking through all your butterfly pictures!

Randy Emmitt said...

what a lovely day you had! Thanks for sharing!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What beauties you have in your garden. Isn't it exciting to watch a Monarch emerge. I am always impressed by this miracle. It makes me realize that miracles are happening daily whether we see them or not.

Anonymous said...

How very fascinating and beautiful!

Cheryl said...

Dear Sherry, to see the Monarch emerge is just so wonderful. I am full of emotion, for these are the things that feed my soul, when the world around me starts to close in. Nature never ceases to amaze me, the fact small creatures share so much with us if we just take time to watch, to listen......sadly their are many who walk with their eyes closed. My heart always feels sad for them.

Beautiful captures......that filled my heart with joy. Tku for sharing this wonderful experience....

Deb said...

Beautiful ♥
I thought of you this week Sherry as we have had hummers enjoying the trumpet vine :-)

Juliet said...

Wow! That chrysalis is beautiful - I hadn't realised you'd be able to see the wings so clearly through the case. What a special day for you to have the chance to watch the newly-emerged butterfly.

Judy said...

Sherry, I love the photos of the monarch coming out of his chrysalis!!!
And I have another couple of books to look for! I love it when you recommend books!

Babara said...

Whenever I see your beautiful pictures, I have the feeling to be in a fairytale world with all the colourful butterflies. What a lucky day to be able to observe an emerging monarch.