Monday, September 11, 2006

We Remember

I cut fresh rosemary and lit my red candle. I remember where I was five years ago. I send my blessings.
I am wearing my tee- shirt today. I posted my flag.

A mouse is trying to get into my house.
He crawls up the wind chimes and onto the ceiling of the porch, after a second of hanging upside down he falls off. Crawls right back up.
Mouse reminds me to pay attention to the details. I do not want to over do it!
If I try too hard I could fall! If I do not learn from my mistakes I could just keep repeating them. Thank you, House Mouse.

I do want to remember the Great Dance of life. The butterflies remind me.

I am one with the people of New Orleans and New York. I am one with the people in the East and in the West. I am one with the sun and moon and stars. I can look at what is in front of me. I can be full of care.
I wrote a poem this morning. Sometimes I do not understand the ways of people.

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