Sunday, May 20, 2007

Songs and Chats

The Gray Cat bird is coming out more often.
He has a distinctive voice, a cat like mewing.
He is the smallest of the Thrashers that are in my area.
The Red Bellied Woodpeckers call to each other.
The male and the female are very comfortable at the large peanut feeder.
They come in often during the day.
The Hummingbird also has a chatter.

Bewick's Wren song is loud and clear.
The backyard is full of birds.
The babies are out of their nests.
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Deb said...

You are so lucky to have such a variety of wonderful birds in your garden! This is such an exciting time with nests & baby birds galore!

Q said...

Dear Deb,
It is an exciting time!
I have seen so many different birds this year in the gardens. As my habitat for the birds increases I hope to be able to provide more food and lodging! In my area there are over 400 different species of birds. I have begun a list each month. In May I have seen 43 different species. Lots and lots of babies too.
You have many beautiful birds and sweet babies too!
It is fun!

smilnsigh said...

I love wrens. When I was little, we called them "Jenny Wren." I always remember that name. :-) And I love her song.

Never knew that Hummingbirds chatter. I suppose I thought they were always in motion. But of course, they can't be.


Q said...

Dear Mari-Nanci,
"Jenny Wren" how sweet. I do not know this. I will do a bit of research and see what I can learn. Thank you!