Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday with the birds

The Brown-Headed Cowbird is new to the gardens. He is a member of the Blackbird family. The Brown-Headed Cowbird is known as a parasitic bird. They leave their eggs in other birds nests.

The birds check on me while I am working.

The Mocking Birds are building their nest


The Wrens have theirs finished.


Deb said...

The brown headed cowbird is lovely - how interesting that they leave their eggs in other birds nests! I have never seen one - lucky you to have him in your garden ...mocking bird and wren may find an extra egg or two in their nest now though :-))

Q said...

Hi Deb,
I bet Mocking Bird would have a fit! Teakettle would go ahead and raise the Cow Bird's egg and be ever so happy about it!
My son asked me if the birds were bigger in our yard than in the wild. He thinks all the food would make for bigger birds. I think the birds are just happier and have more time to sing since they do not have to spend so much time hunting for food.
I like seeing different birds come into the yard. Do wish the Cedar Waxings would stay around. I really like them.
Right now I am looking for the Baltimore Orioles.
They are beautiful!