Friday, January 26, 2007

Windy Day

The Carolina Wren has so much personality.
I always smile whenever I see him. Sweet song too!


Deb said...

I love to enlarge your photos and have a really good look - Carolina Wren is so beautiful - those colours!!

Q said...

Dear Deb,
So kind of you to look deeply at the photos! This shot of Tea-kettle showed the wind so well. Sometimes a photo is just a bird report and sometimes I try and convey some other aspect. I really never know if it comes across.
I have this Wren photo as my desktop right now. I just love it!
The pixels on the internet are so few that I have to be aware of how the photos come across. I look on my screen but some people may be looking on lap tops and smaller monitors.
Glad the click on the picture works to bring the photo up to a "real" size.
Often the birds look different in different light. I like that!
Still working on my Yellow Bellied Sapsucker! She should be back and I will keep trying for detailed feathers and upclose eyes and beak.
Spring birds will be coming soon!
My winter friends will share the lime light.