Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008


We carved our Jack-o-lantern.

We had to use a saw!

I am smitten.
Warts and all.

We lit our Jack-o-lantern.
He smells like pie!

I love our Jack-o-lantern.
My oh my oh my!

Halloween Eve

It warmed up this afternoon.
Lots of different bugs came out.

I too am wearing orange and black.

My tale today was a tragic one.
Be careful what you wish for.

My bookmark kept me smiling.

The sun is beginning to set.
A new day is beginning.
I want to go walking when the moon rises.
Soon I will be back on Sun time.
It will be hard to say goodbye to October.
In the olde Celtic tradition it is New Years.
The wheel is turning once again.

The history of Halloween is very interesting.

If you have a couple of minutes this site has great information and a couple of videos. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

By the moon

Day begins at sundown
when you follow the moon.

Pears from a friend

fill my cauldron.

My boil, bubble, toil and trouble
will have to come from the tea kettle this year.

Time to carve the Jack-o-lantern.
Halloween is almost here.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Painted Lady

The Painted Ladies kept me company
this afternoon
while I painted hat boxes on the deck.

I had fun creating pretty hat boxes
for my orange hats.

I have decided to post about the crafting and art projects I do
on Artful Living. I have decided Tuesdays will be my crafting day.
If you have time come over and see my projects.
I have been bitten by the felting bug!
I hope to start a felting project next week.

I am gathering my raw materials and reading about felting.
Wool felt is an amazing fiber and has a remarkable history.
I think my first project will be a bag.
I have a 100% wool sweater from the secondhand shop
and silk for the lining.
I found a velvet belt for a handle.

The Starlings have returned.
I told them all about felting!

Happy New Monarch Moon

October's New Moon
is named for the Monarch Butterfly.

There are still a few lingering in my backyard.
They will be gone soon.

This afternoon I am refining my skills.

and learning how to better communicate with the
nature spirits.

Naming the New Moon after the Monarch
was a good start.
I have been crafting.
I have been creating.
I have been having fun.

Happy New Moon!

Monday, October 27, 2008


We each have a story.
We each have a tale.

We tell our story until we are finished telling it.
Others may tell our story to their children and grandchildren.

Sometimes it is best to tell our story
in the light of the day.

Sometimes the night is the best when the owls are awake.

We all have a story.
We all have a tale.
Tell me your story.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


The front maple tree is at peak.
Strong northern winds are blowing her leaves.
The yard will soon be filled.
A cold front is coming in.

Frost for tonight.

The colors are vivid in the afternoon sun.
A few butterflies came to the butterfly bushes.
Bees were happy on the apple slices I set out for them.

Many birds are about.
The Purple Finches are enjoying Dogwood berries.

I shall mulch the rosemary.

Sleepy Hallow

It was a perfect afternoon to read out on the deck.
The sun was warm and the north wind danced the leaves.
My cider was cool and refreshing.
My story a fun October tale.

Welcome to the week of Halloween tales.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Monday morning I had breakfast outside with the bugs.
I took pictures of the bees and the butterflies sharing my apple.
It was sunny and warm.
I came to Corner to show you.
I came to Corner to share.
I could not post any pictures.
I was out of space!
It took a spell for me to find out what was going on.
It took some investigating to find out how to have more space.
I now have all the space for pictures I will need.
I can publish slide shows for a year!
I am back sharing.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


A strong breeze from the south brought warm temperatures.
I went bug hunting.

I found Buckeyes in the marigolds,

Yellow-collared Scape Moths in the mums,

and Orange Sulphurs, Painted Ladies
and Hummingbird Moths

in the Butterfly bush.
Lots of bees too.

Common Flicker

I heard the Common Flicker
before I saw him.

The male Yellow-shafted Flicker
checked out my backyard.

I serve peanuts in the shell
all winter to the Blue Jays
and the squirrels.

I think the Flickers might like them too.

He was too shy to come to the deck.
I will set up a spot near the bittersweet for him.
A spot with some shelter.

It is exciting to see the Flickers in my backyard.
Hope they spend the winter.

Robin in the Dogwood

The Robins are eating the
Dogwood berries.

Tasty stuff!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

After the rain

The rain stopped before sunset.

The wind died down as well.

The Cardinals are once again coming
to the feeders at sunset.

We choose Orange Pekoe tea
for after supper.

The new teapot cozy worked just fine.

Krafty Kitten

I bought a sweater vest at the secondhand store.
It looked like a teapot cozy to me.
It has been many years since I have sewed.
Many years since I have designed anything.
Many years since I saw potentiality in a secondhand sweater.
I found a teapot yesterday while out running errands.

It was too wet today to dig in the dirt or take pictures of the birds.
Too cold for walking in the woods or playing with bugs.
It was a perfect morning to make a teapot cozy.
No pattern or instructions.
No pictures!
Only a cozy in my mind.

I snipped the sweater.
I sewed and pinned and lo and behold a teapot cozy was born.
I also made a hot pad for my teapot.

I was putting away my pins and thread and picked up the scrap,
the back of the vest,
I saw a hat.
I snipped and pinned and sewed.
Lo and behold a hat was born!
I needed one!

This was a fun way to spend a cold rainy day.
I am excited to be back creating.
Excited to see hats and cozies.
Excited to be living the artful way again.
As I create I will share with you.
We will have a fun winter even if the bugs are sleeping.