Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sandhill Cranes

Being in the heart of the Spring migration
with 400,000  Lesser Sandhill Cranes
has changed me forever.

The fields in Nebraska, near the Platte River, were filled with Cranes.
They were cleaning up the waste corn from last year's harvest.

                                                               These are elegant birds.
                                                                  They are graceful.
                                                                       They dance!

                                                   I have fallen in love with them.

We sat in a bird blind and watched
as the Cranes came in at sunset to roost.
I have Sandhill Crane fever.

Being so near to them was amazing.
Listening to them was magical.
I laid the camera down.

We watched as the Cranes woke up the next morning.
I was one with the Cranes.

I brought home a Crane mobil for my kitchen.

March has gone out as a warm Lamb.
April showers are in the forecast.

The Daffodiles are in bloom.
There are thousands in my gardens,
33 years of growing Daffodiles.

It smells like Spring.

While I sit with my birds and the bees on my deck
I am thinking about the Cranes.
I am thinking about my relationship with the wetlands and
my relationship with the trees and the flowers.
I think about my gardens.

A strong wind out of the Southwest began to blow.
It will help the Sandhill Cranes finish their migration.
The winds will carry songbirds into my backyard.
I am looking for the Rosebreasted Grosbeaks to arrive soon.
I am thinking about the wind and the rains.
Goodbye March.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Safari

The Yellow Shafted Flicker
is part of our backyard bird family.
                                                  It has taken a couple of years
                                           for him to become comfortable with us.
                                                           He comes every morning
                                                                for suet and acorns.
                                                         The Juncos are still with us.
                                               They are winter birds in my backyard.

Soon they will leave for their summer homes.
Spring migration is underway.

The Brown-Headed Cowbirds have arrived.
They do over winter in southern Missouri.
 I see them in my backyard in the Spring.

They are parasitic birds,
 laying their eggs in  host bird's nests.

A brisk North-westerly breeze
and mostly cloudy skies sent me inside.
I have packing to do.

We are studying wetlands this year.

We live between the Central flyway
and the Mississippi flyway.

I have been reading about the wetlands
in my area.

I have been planning a few
short road trips.

When a pair of Sandhill Cranes flew over the house this week
I knew it was time to begin our
 Wetlands Adventure, 2010.

I made a few phone calls and found where the
 Sandhill Cranes were roosting.

I have a wetlands journal
 and reservations for two spots in a viewing blind.
We leave in the morning.
400,000 Sandhill Cranes are roosting on the sandbars
on the Platte River in Nebraska.
This has all the makings of an awesome experience.
Happy Sunday safari.

Friday, March 26, 2010


A 15 mph, south-easterly wind came up this afternoon.
We took the big kites out.

From March until October
the Dragonfly kite and the Butterfly kite
hang on the wall in the stairwell.
Their kite string and tails are ready to go.

Last week we bought a Dragon kite.

Today was his first flight.

The winds were perfect for him to sail
as far as his string would reach.

                                                         When a 23 mph gust came up
                                                                I let all the string out
                                                      so Butterfly could wiggled her tails.

A Turkey Vulture came to check out
 who was flying in his sky.

The big kites required hands on flying,
no staking or tricks today.

I had so much fun.
Dragon kite is hanging in the travel room,
ready for a fly with only a minutes notice.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday Safari

The snow showers ended this morning.

We received 6 inches.

                                                            The winds have come up.

                                               Blowing snow has created huge drifts.

Snow filled my boots when I went to feed the birds.
Today we usher in Aries, the first house
of the zodiac.

I said goodbye to Pisces
 and my correspondences.

I have enjoyed the Nightingale.

I know the snow will melt soon,
 just not today.

I am reading,


thinking about baseball
and watching college basketball.

I am dreaming about "Sweet Spring".

I am planning a Magical Garden.
There are so many ideas.

I know I want to plant another lavender hedge.

I am learning about Astrology.

I am learning about Archetypes.
My Magical Earth Child is in the house of Aries.

Soon I will be back outside with the birds.
I will be outside with all the new beginnings of Spring.

Happy Sunday Safari.