We followed the Missouri River.
We remembered a pumpkin patch out in the cornfields.
We knew if we watched we would see the sign.
It was a perfect October day.
Perfect day for pumpkin hunting.
We hiked the river bluff.
I was surrounded by Autumn.
Spiders and Harvesters have their Autumn dress.
Positively autumnal....and such a perfect pumpkin.....I can see why she called to you....
The trees are stunning in their autumn gowns.......and the bugs came out to greet you. I do love this time of year....
a time for nostalgia not regret.....
Happy safari Sunday my friend.....
So many people miss the whole Halloween thing by going to the store and spending and spending. I remember making a trip similar to yours to find the right pumpkin, then making your own jack-o-lantern. The weeks spent figuring out how and what to make a costume out of...
Thanks for reminding me of those times.
Beautiful pictures as always... it looked like an absolutely glorious autumn day.
This post is a fantastic journey: beautiful photographs!
In particular for me "I was surrounded by autumn" is a masterpiece.
I love all of your Safaris, but this one has to be one of my favorites thus far! I adore it all... thank you for always sharing such Beauty (most of which happens to be not terribly far from my little neck of the woods! :)) -Tammy
Loved the scarecrow! Your yellow spider is an Marbled Orbweaver. Fall looks wonderful there!
What a fun outing. I love the pumpkin with the warts. Don't you just wonder what caused that?? Beautiful autumn shots.
Ah, you had a fun day. Glad to see the autumn splendor finally caught up to you. So what kind a face will your pumpkin get ?
Classic autumn! Pumpkins, colors in the trees...brilliant.
Thanks for sharing your lovely day! I love all the scenery, but the critters are my favorites.
So glad you got to take advantage of this beautiful sunny day, Sherry! With all the rain we've had, it makes one appreciate the sunny days that much more. Last Tuesday I took two of my grandsons on a similar pumpkin "hunt" out in the country--a great way to spend a crisp autumn day!
Sherry, you had a great day!!! it was so hard to choose a favourite photo! i finally decided i like the shot up through the trees best!!!
I wish I had been right there with you! What a fabulous day!
Autumn abounds in things to delight the senses!You had a glorious day!
Love the art in clay pots!!
Great idea!!
A Sunday Safari filled to the brim with the essence of autumn. Great work, Sherry. Thank you.
Perfect. Autumn at its best, here. Thank, Sherry!
An abundance of Autumn's bounty shown so beautifully here in your lovely photos Sherry. My favourite though is the cheerful summery Sunflower.
I hope you have lots of Halloween fun.
This is a lovely harvest post! Looks like you had a wonderful time~
Dear Sherry,
Only you can make a daddy long-legs look exotic! And I don't know how you saw that walking-stick. It blended in so perfectly with the wall.
Those pumpkins really are impressive growing in the fields. So bright and cheerful. I like the one you've chosen.
Autumn has really arrived in your part of the world. The trees really look lovely. I'm glad you enjoyed the day.
The harvesters, like all garden spiders, are welcome :-) Like many, my son kept stick insects years ago, we once found an escapee on the stairs. Your photo brought back the memory :-) I was pleased when he passed them on to someone else :-)
We love visiting the pumpkin patch too and the drive there is just as much fun. Lovely Autumnal colours throughout your post Sherry.
What a fabulous journey. What caught my eye the most was the pumpkin witch and the pottery entity. So many things are coming to life these days.
Something strange happening with ABC this week, so I thought I'd pop over anyway. Some great photos here with a nice Halloween feel.
Fabulous and beautiful is everything you share
Love Jeanne
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