Last night I stood outside and watched a storm come in from the north.
I gasped at the splendid light display. I went to sleep to the sounds of thunder,
wind and rain.

This morning I took a garden tour.
The morning glories greeted me first.
They are volunteers.
I gave them a twisting willow branch to twine on.
Mother's seeds, Mother's plants.
I gasped at the splendid light display. I went to sleep to the sounds of thunder,
wind and rain.
This morning I took a garden tour.
The morning glories greeted me first.
They are volunteers.
I gave them a twisting willow branch to twine on.
Mother's seeds, Mother's plants.
The zucchini is blooming.
I am checking daily for fruit.
We eat lots of fresh zucchini in the summer.
I freeze zucchini for winter baking.
The last of the poppies were swaying in the morning breeze.I am checking daily for fruit.
We eat lots of fresh zucchini in the summer.
I freeze zucchini for winter baking.
I check the seed pods each day.
I dry the seed for poppy seed bread.
Full circle, back to the Morning Glories.
Yesterday I had planted the last of the saved zinnia seeds.
Mother Nature watered them in very nicely.
I like gardening with Nature.
I like her ways.
We both plant seeds.
Absolutely beautiful.
Love all that you share.
Love Jeanne
Dear Sherry....
You work with nature and nature works with you.
Everything looks so fresh and healthy.......a pretty post...
I will have to post earlier tomorrow Sherry....I try to post later, so that I am not too far ahead of you.
I am going to a garden party,in a countryside setting. There will be tea on the lawn and live music........I am looking forward to this occasion, I shall be with a lot of old friends.....
Hi Sherry, love the morning glory blooms. They are so pretty and uplifting to go out in the morning and see their perky little faces greeing you.
Dear Jeanne,
Thank you. There is a dance I do with Mother Nature. It is the way I garden, part wild and part cultivated. ALways I like to leave plentsy of room for the bugs.
Dear Cheryl,
Post when ever it works out best for you. Even if you post on worries...this is for fun...
Have a wonderful time at the Garden Party. How fun for you!
Old friends and yummy tea and music, all in a beautiful country garden setting. Ahhh... Sounds like heaven on earth! Plus someone else doing the hostessing....
I hope you will tell us all about your wonderful party.
Will you wear a long lawn dress and wide brim hat??
I also am going to a party tomorrow. It will be at my Mother-in-law's house. She is calling her gathering a "cook out". I will bring my camera!
Dear Lisa,
Hope you are having a nice Saturday. I will pop over and see if you were able to go birding this morning.
It is wet at my house. The morning glories are very fun...especially since I did not plant them. I grow many plants I did not plant....
Just hope I get a ripe tomato soon and a few zukes.
Love Morning Glories and we don't have any, this year. Thank you for sharing yours... With dew or rain drops on them, even. :-)
'Smilnsigh' blog
Love your morning glories this year I have none! Love how you save all your seeds! The post with the dragonfly is simply a miracle happening in front of our eyes! Wow what a capture!
I love the morning glories too Sherry. They are wonderful self seeders. I am often surprised to find them scattered throughout the garden winding themselves among the yarrow :-}
You have a lovely garden. Seeing your photos makes me want to run out and plant more flowers (or they would, were it not raining right this minute).
Sounds like you're having the same kind of weather we're having up here in Canada. Typical summer storms and my plants are loving it!
I liked your description of the morning glory - a volunteer. And your pics are truly lovely.
I enjoy your posts.
Dear Mari-Nanci,
Rain drops on Morning Glories are one of my favorite things.
I did have some Heavenly Blue Morning Glories last year. Have not seen any of them this year. The purple ones are volunteers. I do try and remove most of the morning glory vines as I would be over runned by them.
Dear Naturegirl,
I do lots of seed to seed gardening. The poppies, cosmos, marigolds and zinnias are "for sure" saves. These seed are very easy to save and to "over sow". The poppy seed I like to eat!
I also like to eat the fennel seeds.
I never mind sharing the seed as long as the birds save some for me!
Watching the Dragonfly lay her eggs was a wonderful experience.
I waited just a couple more minutes when I was at the pond. So glad I did too.
Dear Deb,
I have left a few morning glory vines in my vegetable garden this year. Those are not blooming yet. I hope they are the heavenly blues...
Dear Wren,
I have lots of growing spots in my yard! I try to have continuous bloom from April through October..sometimes it happens!
I have been ill so not able to get out and do much. I did over seed so hopefully I will have flowers for the buttertflies come September!
Dear Wendy,
Thank you! I enjoy your posts too. Writing poems together is very fun.
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