I spent the day outside.
Rain is in the forecast for the next four days.
I wanted as much bird and bug time as I could have.

It was cloudy all day.

I weeded and harvested
I watched the garden spiders.Rain is in the forecast for the next four days.
I wanted as much bird and bug time as I could have.
It was cloudy all day.
I weeded and harvested
I planted dwarf bee balm in one of the butterfly gardens.
Mother Nature will water them in for me.
Ohmigosh, that garden spider is a beaut!!! What a gorgeous photo!
I photographed spiders in my yard too today because several of them appeared from nowhere and started some serious web building. I think one of them used my head as an anchor for its web because I was on my deck too long photographing you know what. Grasshoppers. I just missed watching one moult.
these are great images and looks like you had a wonderful day outside! enjoy your rain.
I'm not a great lover of spiders, but (s)he is magnificent..!
She IS one spectacular arachnid; splendiferous! I've never seen one quite like that. We have falling leaves and snow on the mountains behind our house already.
I'm not really ready for that and
"fall" only lasts about two weeks around here. There are various birds migrating through so that's fun. ;)
Love, Vikki
What an incredible spider (and photo) Sherry! He is a beauty.
Sherry, can you give me an advice please?? which flowers are more atracktiv for the buterflys ?? I'm mising the butterflys in my garden
How nice that you have beebalm still blooming. Mine has long ceased to bloom.
I love that spider picture.
Dear Maria,
I am very happy miss Garden Spider is with me. One like her was in the same spot last year. I have been watching her catch grasshoppers (Yes, they are good food) and grow to be a nice sized spider.
I have been enjoying your grasshoppers. I have never seen one molt. That would be very cool.
Dear Marmee,
I did enjoy being outside yesterday. I know right now come winter I am going to be wanting bugs!!!
Dear Shelia,
I too think she is lovely. A friend to the gardener too.
Dear Vikki,
Snow all ready?! Save some fallen leaves to enjoy on Halloween.
I will think of you when I go apple-ing...
Dear Deb,
Thank you. I have been enjoying this spider for a few weeks. Was not sure when I would post her picture. There are other spiders in the gardens. I think I will wait until October to introduce you to them. They are scary and hairy! LOL
Dear Belen,
I would be so honored to help! First thing is to make sure your gardens are organic. Second is to find out what butterflies are native to your area and what host plants, plants to lay their eggs on, and what necter plants they like. Most local goverments have a conservation department. You can google search too.
I will see what I can find out too.
So excited you are wanting a butterfly garden.
On butterfly wings,
Dear Lisa,
I just bought six dwarf Bee Balm plants at Costco last week. They may not be native but they will be so nice as under plantings in one of the butterfly gardens. I really like them, only 12 inches tall.
Terrific garden spider! You are the bug lady!!!!
Dear Mary,
I am the bug lady! All bugs are good. I also like lizards...
Thanks Q!!!! I hope I will have such a succes with the butterflys as you have.I will also make a research with your advices...:-)
Wow, what a great spider! Bee balm is on my list of herbs to add to the garden. I tried it once in a container, but it got too dry.
Dear Belen,
You are welcome! If you would like to chat via e-mail mine is posted on my profile.
Growing flowers and plants for the butterflies and bees is a huge help in restoring habitat. We need gardeners to do everything they can to help the birds and the butterflies.
On butterfly wings,
Dear Chris,
I think Bee Balm is hardy in your zone. Finding the dwarf was exciting. I have a small stand of native Bee Balm and last year the butterflies were all over it, this year they did not go for it...
The bees liked it!
Planting for the bugs is fun and so beautiful!
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