The Goldfinches are almost finished with their molt.
I watched the male Northern Cardinal
give a seed to his mate.
The Juncos will be leaving any day now.
I am watching for the Baltimore Orioles.

When I reported the first bee of the season my husband brought out the Mason Bee box.
I hope some of the bees have survived the winter.
I can hardly wait for them to emerge.
It really is Spring!
What is that bee box? I've seen them in catalogs but don't know what bees really do with them?
good evening sherry,
so glad you are out with the bees and birds. i am outside on this gorgeous early eve with my tea and laptop just listening to the birds singing. we are having bumbles visit too. it is such an exciting time.
i love seeing your bees so close up enjoying the flowers of the season i am hoping one day to have the birds trust me like they do you. have a lovely weekend. i'm off to my dh and son's hockey championship game.
Hi Sherry, Catching up, trying to do a post that I fear won't get finished today because of visiting other peoples posts. Finally got to your vacation pics. Lake Quinault, Longbeach and Portland pictures were wonderful. I see you showed the market is open, we'll have to make a trip down for the day. Your bird and flower pictures are fantastic. Linda
Forgot to say in your last post that I love your bee and flower pics. They are so clear. And the butterfly too!
This post as well - your birds are truly magnificent. So clear and vivid! I will be sorry to see the juncos leave as I have only just become acquainted with them this year.
Spring is really here!
Your Northern Cardinal Photo reminds me of the Mona Lisa. A work of Art.
Dear wonderful.....beautiful birds.....where do the Junco's migrate to? Spring is here....
Your little bee box looks as though some bees have left already.......or have I not seen the photograph clearly?? How exciting....I cannot wait to see them emerge....I am sure like me you will be on bee duty.....
Have fun....
Yes it is spring!!! And I'm glad about the bees and the first butterfly :-). The Pictures of the dafodils and all the flowers make me happy. Thanks Sherry
I want to get one of these this year. The drill into the end of our barn. I hope your bees survived.
Dear Lynne,
The Mason and the Leaf Cutter bees lay their eggs in the bee box. As you can tell from my box the wasps watch the bees and get the eggs!
I have a few filled holes so I hope some eggs have developed into Mason bees.
I will see...I am on bee box watch!
Dear Marmee,
It is fun to sit in the gardens in the early spring and be with the birds.
I like to think the birds come to see me but really they come for all the sweet treats I put out for them!
I just looked out the window and it has started to snow.....
Happy April!
Dear Linda,
I understand about catching up! I am about a month behind I think...LOL. Oh well, we do the best we can. I love to visit every one too and see what is happening in their gardens.
The markets in Portland were very fun. I miss my daughter.
Dear Wendy,
I am so happy you enjoy the bird photographs. I guess when the bugs are sleeping I depend on the birds to get me through. The Juncos are dear little birds. They mean Winter for me!
I am sitting at my desk this afternoon watching rain mixed with snow...I am really tired of is April...."no snow in April is my motto!" Mother Nature does not always listen to me!
Enjoy each Spring day!
Dear Bernie,
Blush.....he is a beautiful bird.
Thank you!
Dear Cheryl,
Oh yes, I am on Bee Box watch!
Some of the holes were never filled and some were poked by a wasp. I read how even when this happens some of the females in the back of the hole could be okay.
The Junco will migrate into Canada and all the way to Alaska for breeding.
I normally see them again in November. They leave in April. I look every day now for when they depart.
The Mason bees are new to my gardens so I hope these little ones make it. I will see and if any do emerge I will set up another bee box. I have an idea on using some cedar blocks I have on the deck.
I may not be able to have hives but I can do the bee boxes. Thank you for introducuing them to me!
Sherry, who also loves the bees
Dear Belen,
I am looking forward to seeing your gardens!
Spring is exciting. Each day a little something different...
The north wind is blowing and it is too cold to be outside right now. Soon the winds will shift and the southern breeze will bring warmth back into the gardens. Up and down is April's weather!
Dear Belen,
I am looking forward to seeing your gardens!
Spring is exciting. Each day a little something different...
The north wind is blowing and it is too cold to be outside right now. Soon the winds will shift and the southern breeze will bring warmth back into the gardens. Up and down is April's weather!
Dear LIsa,
I think the bee boxes are fun. I had never seen a Mason Bee so I was very excited when I saw my first bee bottom last year!
I have lots of carpenter bees and honey bees and bumble bees but last year was the first for the Masons and the leaf cutters. Learning about the bees is as fun as learning about the birds!
I should have a bee box. I have thousands of honey bees. Incredible.
Those bird photos are spectacular. And how fun to have a bee box. I hope some of them survived. I don't even like a bird's nest to fall out of the sky. I want everything to stay alive forever.
Dear Mary,
The mason bees and the leaf cutter bees are the ones that lay their eggs in the bee box. Honey bees have their hives. I also have lots of Honey Bees but no idea where the hive is!
I also have not seen any Bumbles yet this year. I am thinking as soon as this deep freeze thaws I want to plant lots more flowering herbs. All the bees love them!
Dear Flowergardengirl,
I like all of life to have a "natural" life cycle. I never like seeing a plant die before it is mature....or an animal die early. Just like we protect children I think we best be taking care of all of the little ones.
Thanks for a reminder -- I need to build my bee box before they start flying.
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