We went to Powell Gardens,
A botanical gardens near our home.
A botanical gardens near our home.
We went hunting for bugs.
The female Widow Skimmer was waiting for a mate.
The male Familiar Bluet
kept an eye on the female.
They fly in the summer.

The Great Spangled Fritillary
nectared on cone flowers.
Gold Finches sought water.
It was very warm in the afternoon sun.
Meadow Larks sang summer songs.
We will watch the sun set.
We welcome the Summer Solstice.
The Great Spangled Fritillary? Is that really it's name! What a marvelous thing to be named! It sure is beautiful.
I love the praying mantis! But as fun as it is, I most enjoy seeing all the beautiful dragonflies and damselflies, Sherry. To think a year ago I thought all dragonflies were alike--I've learned so much from you.
Dear Sherry.....that is a wonderful safari....and beautiful photographs.....
I love the Fritillary......we have something similar here but not in my part of UK....
The blue skies make such a beautiful backdrop to any photograph....
I cannot believe yesterday was the longest day......time flies.....Mr P is always sad this time of year. He suffers with SAD and as far as he is concerned we journey to autumn now. Me, I love every day......enjoy.
I enjoyed your safari, Sherry!
Really enjoyed seeing your photos. The eyes on the mantis are so large they hardly look real. You have a wonderful series of pictures.
Super pictures. Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful safari and such beautiful photos, the GS Fritillary is so pretty and the Meadow Lark is a lovely bird, we have nothing like that here.
I captured my first Amberwinds. When I did, I was stunned at how beautiful they are.
Beautiful photos Sherry. I love the mantis. Is it a really large sculpture?
Happy Solstice to you. I am impressed with your knowledge and intuition regarding the bugs. You know their gender and what they are doing.
Lovely pics. Thanks for taking us on your safari!
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