Wednesday, August 05, 2009

ABC Wednesday

C is for

It is that time of year.

If you look on native plantings you might see one!

C is for Chamomile.

I dry mine for winter tea.

I always leave some in the garden
for the bees and the hover flies.

C is for Clearwing.
There are two varieites in my garden.
This is a Snowberry Clearwing.

This is a Hummingbird Clearwing.
Both are day flying moths.

C is for Coneflower.
Lots of different varieties.

Some of the Cultivated Coneflowers are so big
they dwarf the Tiger Swallowtails that nectar on them.

Prairie Coneflowers are native.

Part of my Conservation effort is planting native to my area plants.

C is for Corn

and Chickweed Geometer.

C is for Cardinals eating Champagne grapes

and for being so Cute!

C is for Crow.

Credit for ABC Wednesday goes to mrsnesbitt and the team! Thank you! If you would like to enjoy world wide ABC Wednesday posts click HERE!
Happy ABC Wednesday!


Rose said...

Sherry, every time I come here I just marvel at your photos--so beautiful! I love the last one with the pair of cardinals; they are such loving birds. And the coneflowers are my favorite, not to mention a favorite of the bees and the butterflies. I keep looking for caterpillars on my butterfly weed, parsley, and fennel, but none that I can see. You've captured some great examples here.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Hi Sherry! Your photographs are outstanding! I LOVE the green caterpillar (well, the green is my favorite color)!

squirrel said...

Your photos just blow me away. These and the ones in Sunday Safari are such a pleasure to look at. Keep em comming!

Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Sherry thank you for the lovely post.

Mara said...

Are you sure you didn't photoshop the first photo? It's gorgeous, the colours, the stripes on the caterpillar. Really nice!!

Rune Eide said...

These are pictures far out of the ordinary. I envy you especially the macro - real gossamer wings!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I love love love these photos Sherry. I really like the caterpillar that looks like bird droppings. Have you looked it up? I haven't seen those little geometers in our garden in awhile.

Aimee said...

So beautiful!~ Your lovely photos of bugs and wildlife make me happy every time I look. Thank you so much.

Carol said...

Great photos...they are beautiful!

ShySongbird said...

A really delightful post Sherry with stunning photos, the caterpillars are amazing and those beautiful Clearwings took my breath away, thank you for sharing such lovely images.

sweetbay said...

Amazing photos all! I think Hover Flies are beautiful. I love all of the pictures you posted here today. They are inspiring.

James said...

Excellent post. I really enjoyed it.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

My husband and I always look at your photos together! He loves the clearwings! I don't think we've ever seen one! WOW! The C s are awesome!

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

don't think i've ever seen a caterpillar that close before.

Roger Owen Green said...

great, great photos!

Joy said...

Thank you for a colourful wednesday. Wonderful macros, though the catapillars look rather scary that size.

Deb said...

I agree with Rose's comment. Everytime I visit I also just marvel at your beautiful photos!

Angie said...

Just gorgeous, Sherry! Your corn looks delicious too. :) Enjoy!

jay said...

Wow .. those are stunning caterpillars! The clearwings are gorgeous, too! I do love insect photography!

Of the birds, my favourite is the crow, but the cardinal feeding a chick is very sweet.

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week!

Janie said...

Great C's and beautiful photos. Your insect pics are just fantastic. Good for you, planting the native species in your garden. Obviously, they're doing quite well!
The cardinals are so sweet.

Anonymous said...

Sherry your pictures are always so gorgeous - sharp and clear. Love the Caterpillars. And your last photo - is that common among birds to share or feed each other? I put a video on one of my posts of the birds doing that here. We've had a couple of different kinds doing it. It is soooooooooo sweet!
We went to the Olympic Peninsula over the weekend for our 32nd Pioneer Reunion. It's been to hot to be on the computer but did manage to get that post on this morning with pictures of the National Park with all the trees covered with moss.
I miss visiting everyone - it's cooling off yesterday today and tomorrow so hopefully I'll be back.
You are sooooooooooo good at this ABC posting!!! I'm always amazed when I read them.

Cheryl said...

Dear Sherry.....such a wonderful very inspirational, native planting is the best...

I am falling for the clearwings....I remembering visiting last year and enjoying them. We have them here....I have never seen one......I may one day.

The cardinals are so very cute.....such a loving pair....

I love native coneflower....I love its drooping petals.....this is a lovely bloom....

An enchanting C post......

Anonymous said...

C is a good letter. I love the caterpillars: so many wonderful colours.

Juliet said...

I do love the clearwings' little fluffy tails, but the caterpillar, bee, and hoverfly shots are stunning.

I'd be interested to know how you dry your chamomile - I used to drink chamomile tea, but I'm finding now that bought herbal teas don't seem to agree with me any more so I'm looking into making my own.

Tumblewords: said...

Exquisite C's. Your photos are always outstanding - outstanding! Thanks for sharing's a lovely world.

Anonymous said...

Clearwing would be on top of my list. I've seen them only once in Greece mistook them with Hummers but I fell in love with them from since then.
Your other photos are fantastic too! Cardinals are cute-cute and the flowers are beautiful too.

Chrissie said...

I love the caterpillar photos, Sherry :-) They look enormous!

Flat Creek Farm said...

I love Clearwings! All of your photos are just incredible. What a sweet photo of the cardinals feeding. Perfect. -Tammy

Dawn Fine said...

C is for Creative, Caring, Cool Post full of Critters.
that third caterpillar looks like you put a bandanna on it!

Kelly said...

your pictures blow my mind! the caterpillar is so perfect it's surreal! love your eye for these creatures!