Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ABC Wednesday

O is for October

and Orange.

O is for Ouch

and Oregano.

O is for Oak

and Osage Orange.

O is for Orange Sulphur

and Or.

O is for Owl.

O is for Opera

and Oracle.

O is for Oregon.

Happy Abc Wednesday.


Tania said...

Nice O! Beatuiful colors in pic 2:-) Have a nice week!

Carolyn Ford said...

I really like the "ouch" one! That is so true!!! You really went all out for the "O"! Nice nice post!

penny said...

Oh what a delightful collection of O'photos... :)

Reader Wil said...

I like all these photos, especially the OR! Beautiful "O"words

Carol said...

A great collection of Os...I never thought of October...your orange flowers are stunning...and oregano, my favorite...I have owl also...

Cheryl said...

Dear Sherry.....your originality always amazes me. I do not know how you do it....

Ouch is good and that is so true, is it not?

Orange Sulpher is very similar to my butterfly (Clouded Yellow).....they brighten any garden. My gardens are quiet today, cloud came, the bees and butterflies stayed away.....

Stay strong,

amatamari© said...

Great photographic series: Ouch, oregano and oracle absolutely original, beautiful pictures!

photowannabe said...

My goodness, that's a lot of O words and pictures.
I like the Ouch poster too.
Thanks for posting.

Hildred said...

Wonderful shots and a great collection of O's.

Flat Creek Farm said...

As always, I'm educated here! I had no idea that what we refer to as hedgeapples come from a tree also known as the Osage Orange. Lovely O's! Thank you :) -Tammy

jabblog said...

Wonderful and imaginative Os! I liked 'Ouch' very much; so much more fun than 'Please keep off the . . . ' which we see in UK ;-)

Lisa at Greenbow said...

OOoooo what a wOnderful cOllectiOn of Os.

Joy said...

Amazing collection of O words. Beautiful and funny.

Rune Eide said...

You had may well illustrated "O"s today, but I kick my self for forgetting the obvious October! And the photos of my otters were shots in October!

Tumblewords: said...

Outstanding! :) Great O's in your post.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

wonderful O post! You sure did capture a lot of O!

Roger Owen Green said...

great as usual. Yours is always one of my favorite ABCW posts.

Judi said...

Enjoyed the creative collection of O photographs.

sweetbay said...

I love the owl, very spooky!

Anonymous said...

Lots of O-words here! I would never have thought of "ouch." which I think is a clever o-word to include.

Jay said...

I like the ouch one, too - I saw signs like that on our holiday to Utah and Nevada. So many people seem to think it OK to trample stuff, it's sad that they need to be told.

Excellent collection of 'O's!

Rose said...

Wonderful O's, Sherry! Looks like you are all ready for Halloween; hope you have a good weekend!

Wendy said...

I love that owl! He's all a-glow! Orange is a favourite colour for me - especially in autumn. What a fun post!

Anonymous said...

The O's all seem to go together: orange, october, owl.

Anonymous said...

Love the glowing orange owl.

O' how delightful how you present the beauty of the letter O.

I feel like I have stumbled upon the secret hideout of Sesame Street.

ShySongbird said...

A lovely set of creative Os and I'm sorry to be boring but my favourite is also Ouch!

I had never heard of the Osage Orange tree (we don't have it here) but I looked it up on Wiki and found all the facts about it fascinating!

Thank you Sherry, you always have something intriguing to get me investigating further :)

Dragonstar said...

So many great "O"s, and the colours are great. I love the Owl!

kkryno said...

What a fun and colorful post!

I just wanted to thank you for your kindness. The world needs more like you, Sherry.

Sorry I've been so scarce lately. It has been a weird and hectic summer.

Have a beautiful rest of the week!

Love, Vikki.

Amy said...

Great photos as usual! The "ouch" one reminded me of a hike we took last week at Mojave National Preserve. Cacti abounded and my husband's boots were impregnated with thorns at the end of it - Ouch!

Miraculously our 80 lb dog, Jack, avoided the thorns - talk about watching your step!

walk2write said...

Looks like you've covered quite a large canvas with that "O" brush, Sherry.

Tammie Lee said...

Wonderful and overflowing with the season. I love the ouch sign. So true. Happy Halloween.

swapna said...

Beautiful O post and the pictures were awesome.