I saw her in Texas.
Q is for Question Mark.
I saw her on the deck.
Q is for Quebec.
A lovely place to visit.
and Quill.
Q is for
and Quantum Theory.
Q is for Quarks
and Quasars.
Q is for Quetzal
Q is for Quivira.
I wish I had a quiver for all my Qs!
To experience lots of fun Qs visit
ABC Wednesday.
Some great Qs - especially Quetzelcoatl. I've studied him quite a lot regarding mythology. An intriguing god.
All your Q's made me quiver with quixotic delight!
You have some unusual qs here Sherry. Good job.
Wow, some great Q's there!
Dear Sherry.....I thought Q would be so difficult....how come you make it look so easy.....
You have some really unusual q's.....well done.
The quill is beautiful.....do you use it. All my calligraphy is done with a dipper pen and I use sepia ink......
I had half expected that you used yourself for Q, but I can see that your vocabulary is much wider that that. Congratulations with including both Richard Feynman and the Copenhagen interpretation! Well done.
Excellent Q post! I love your butterfly pictures.
I don't know quivira but am glad you've reminded me of the quadrille.
Lovely Q's from Q's corner ♥
A quantity of words that I never expected to see together. Quirky post with great photos.
Wow! You came up with a lot of Qs! Very interesting...I learned a lot!
And Sherry is for wonderful and infinite diversity.
What a most unique collection of Q's. That is quite a pile of duck calls!
Plenty of good 'q's in there! Love the butterflies - great photos!
what a beautiful and unusual butterfly was the question mark. Is that it's name or do you not recognize it?
An unusual series of Q's, Q. Excellent!
What a fabulous list of Qs!
Thanks for stopping by!
I am so impressed with your wonderful Q series!
A quality Q post, Sherry, with quite a quantity of Q's! Of course, the butterflies are my favorite. The question mark is perfect for today. But I also like your quill--do you use it for calligraphy? Quantum physics and quarks, though, are beyond me:)
Interesting Aztec Q's.
Sherry, You take the best darn photos - loved the "q's" - especially the "quack" and "Quetzelcoatl" (I must look him up!)
Really interesting post, Q. And your very own letter to :-)
I wish you had a quiver of Q's too!! Such a fun post! With so many Q's, but you forgot a most important Q - YOU! Q's Corner!
Your butterfly pics are absolutely divine! Those wings are so sharp and clea, I feel I can reach out and touch them. And the quill placed "just so" in your writing space.
quite the list of q's.
we love quebec and stayed in the frontenac...such a lovely place. little paris.
happy autumn.
Beautiful and interesting Q's! Allow me to add my Q, please?: I love Q's Corner! -Tammy
You came up with some wonderful Q's I'd never heard of. Fun and informative post!
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