Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bird Report

The winter birds are here.

Carolina Wrens,

Downy Woodpeckers,


and Purple Finches are a few of the birds
that call my backyard, "Home for the holidays."


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

They are all so beautiful and welcome at your home! I didn't see any ducks on the pond today..I went with my camera in hand so I guess they are camera shy!

Anonymous said...

Sherry your pictures are always so beautiful. I miss our Finches - glad to see you get them for the winter. All I see mostly now are Stellars Jays, Juncos and Robins. Have a nice Thanksgiving.

Randy Emmitt said...

Yesterday I saw my first Yellow=bellied Sapsucker of the season. Winter in closing in!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Great photos of your winter visitors.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Sherry - such exceptional photos of these sweet creatures. I always wonder how these tiny things survive the winter. They must have metabolisms that run at a unbelievable rate. We've been seeing cardinals around here, that we have not seen since last Spring.

Amy said...

Sherry, As usual exceptionally beautiful photos - your birds are so different from ours. Right now the robins are frequently the shrubs and trees that have berries on them. Wish I could capture them, photographically that is. Wonderful post!

Amy said...

oops typo, sorry - "frequenting" not frequently!

Wendy said...

I like that "home for the holidays!" Your birds do look like they're at home in your backyard. And they know they'll be well looked after.

Today, I saw some ducks on a pond. The pond had turned to ice and the ducks were just standing there, looking puzzled. Of course, I'd left my camera at home (it was a quick trip to the post office). Too bad! When I went back with my camera - they were gone.

Anonymous said...

I recently saw a woodpecker with no red on his head. It looked surprisingly like a hairy, but the red crest was missing. Only then did I learn the difference between males and females. Only a small identification, but something I will probably never forget now.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

You have a fun assortment of birds to watch!

Tammie Lee said...

the light in each of these images is perfection and shows of each little critter brilliantly!

ShySongbird said...

These are beautiful Sherry! You certainly have a lovely variety of birds visiting your garden. I think my favourite has to be the Wren because if they are anything like ours they are difficult to photograph due to their rather secretive nature.

Anonymous said...

You have very beautiful guests. Such a variety of winter birds. I loved them all - Carolina Wren with a multicolored tail, lovely purple finches (can't wait till they visit us too!), fluffy chick-a-dee and this small woodpecker. Is he young or just small or maybe he looks small only to me?

Cheryl said...

Dear lovely to have the birds back in your gardens.....

I do wish I could capture my soon as I go into the garden he disappears, just so frustrating. I shall persevere......

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images......

marmee said...

so wonderful to see your winter birds. we are getting some delightful visits too.
happy autumn.

amatamari© said...

Nice pictures: see these little creatures so close up is almost touching!

Rose said...

Such a welcome sight as the garden dies down! I have been looking for the downy woodpecker to come here, but so far no sign of him. We had a lovely day today, so perhaps he's waiting for colder weather. Your birds must know that Sherry's place is a wonderful place to spend the winter.

Deb said...

Such sweet winter birds :-) I am always so happy to see Carolina Wren ♥
Have a wonderful weekend Sherry.

sweetbay said...

Beautiful captures! Our winter guests have arrived here too. It's good to have the Cedar Waxwings back.

jay said...

Quite a wonderful collection of 'S's - but my favourites are the seed pods! Is that second one a laurel of some kind? I've never seen one with such bright red seeds!

Merisi said...

These are all such beautiful images,
but the Carolina Wren touched my heart,
I loved these little birds, they used to build their beautiful nests in my geraniums on our deck.
Thank you for these pictures!

Merisi said...

The shadow patterns on the sheet drying in the sun are fantastic! Sage means November to me too, roasted pumpkin and stuffing.

Merisi said...

The last comment was meant for the "S" pictures, sorry.