Tuesday, December 08, 2009

ABC Wednesday

I am trying to understand.
It seems unnatural.
There is urgency in the air.
I feel upset.

The ultrasound showed the mass.
Until the test it was unseen.
If only I could undo the results.

The medicine is unpleasant.
As each day unfolds I stay updated.
She is uncertain what tomorrow will bring.

We are unique, we have different life ways.
Ultimately each of us will face the unknown.
Until we go our separate ways we are just us.
She will find her Utopia when it is her time.
I will utter my sorrow.

My usual has changed. My family is united.
We are unanimous. With unbridled love we gather.
She is utmost in our thoughts and prayers.
A new life way is ushered in. This is uncharted territory.
I have unearthed my greatest fear.
Unequivocally she has the faith that passes all understanding.
There is an undertone of joy.
May the Universe smile on us for a little while longer.

It is ABC Wednesday.
Today we celebrate the letter U.


Anonymous said...

Achingly written, achingly read. I am so sorry.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, Sherry, I am so sorry. A loved one's trauma is much harder to bear than our own. Surely the U's came quickly in this post.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you go through this time of uncertainty.

anthonynorth said...

You've described your fears with great dignity. My thoughts are with you and yours.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Ultimate love expressed here. Your Sister is still in my prayers as you are.

sweetbay said...

Sherry, I am sorry that your sister and your family are going through this, but glad that your family is united and your sister has faith. Such times are so difficult and yet it is amazing that joy can shine through as well.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Sherry...Last year, at this time, I was in your shoes. It was such a difficult time. My daughter had cancer. Fear was constantly gnawing at my bones. But our hearts are stronger than we know, and it is our job to be strong for the one in peril. (A book called "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie helped me through.)

Amy said...

Sherry, This post was profoundly moving - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Again, your sister is so fortunate to have you. Please take the time to take care of yourself during this difficult time as well.

Cheryl said...

My friend....I have no words.....

jabblog said...

Beautifully expressed - I am sorry for your sorrow and for the cause of it.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

if this is about what i think it is then i know what you are going through as my wife has just gome through it and it is very upsetting but there is light at the end even if the vision is blurred before we get there.

Beverley Baird said...

What a fantastic list of U words and well organized as well!

Deb said...

United ~ a wonderful strong sentiment! Thinking of you & your family Sherry ♥

Roger Owen Green said...

utterly understanding. most impressive; my prayers for you and yours.

cathy said...

Simply beautiful and touching Sherry!

Hildred said...

Beautifully written, - thoughts and prayers are with you.

Rose said...

This is certainly upsetting news, Sherry. Your sister is very fortunate that she has such a united and loving family. May she find strength from all your love to fight this insidious disease. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers,


jay said...

Oh, how sad ... I can feel your sorrow in this post. Beautifully written. I wish you and yours the very best.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sherry, you are in our hearts and your sister is in our prayers. I admire your strength and finding humor in life still, as such tremendous challenges are met. May your sister win the battle, whatever the outcome, with her strong faith.

Angie said...

Oh Sherry, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Such a moving, touching way you've shared this difficult time with us, your cyber-sisters. All of you are in my heart, in my prayers...

A wildlife gardener said...

When we give our love, we give it unconditionally... and when those we love are going through traumas we do our best to be with them....every step of the way...

I send you loving thoughts, and healing prayers for renewed health, strength and courage :)

He knows our every breath and understands our pain and turmoil. He said, 'I will never leave you, nor forsake you'.

I send you blessings to all your family, especially your dear Sister. May His loving arms enfold you, protect you and uplift you in your hour of need.

Wendy said...

Such a sad post. Keeping you and your family in my heart and my thoughts. You've done exceptionally well with the letter U. Wish things were different....
Love & Light

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am sorry for your pain and really do know how you feel. My prayers are with your family.

Aimee said...

Dear Sherry,
I was so touched by your post. As a poet myself, I must tell you you made a beautiful, elegant poem out of your sad news. It was lovely and touching. I am so sorry for your family and I surely wish you all the best of luck.

marmee said...


just catching up when i read your sad news...my heart goes out to you, your sister, and your family. my prayers will be with your sister and you...for strength...healing...courage...love...hope...so glad you all are in unity. i am quite sure your sister is very grateful to have you by her side.
beautifully written.

Robin's Nesting Place said...

I'm so sorry that your family is having to walk down this path. I'm sure it is made easier for your sister having her family surrounding her in peace and unity.