Sunday, December 06, 2009

Safari Sunday

We took a break from decorating the house.

We walked at the park.

There is a winter storm brewing.
Snow and bitter cold is on its way.

There is a small patch of ice on the pond.
By weeks end the ice will have grown.

The geese will keep some water open.

There is a small flock of 70-80 geese that over winter here.

The geese do not mind us as long as we keep our distance.

It is easy to share the park with them.

Walking feels so good even when it is cold.

After a couple of laps around the pond my back relaxes.
After watching the geese for a few minutes my stress is gone.

My sister is healing after surgery.
She is recuperating from round one of chemo.
I finished her slippers.
Now I want to knit her a hat.
Happy Sunday Safari.


Friko said...

hello Q, a lucky find roaming the blogosphere via Bonnie.

Love your pictures of the geese in the ice.
Best wishes to your sister from a survivor.

Tammie Lee said...

I can feel your love and care for your sister. Your photos are a lovely portrait of a changing season.

Dimple said...

It is winter, all right. Your picture of the storm clouds is wonderful and enigmatic. Prayers for your sister.

Aimee said...

when I was in grade school, I took a photography class, with a darkroom and everything. On one of our photo expeditions to a local lake, I tried and tried to get a picture of a goose stretching it's wings like the last picture here. I made the whole class wait for me as I took frame after frame, but I finally got my pic!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. I took some the other day but no one stretching! Prayers are coming for your sis.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

When your Q popped up on my reader I wondered what SAfari Sunday would be like. The storm clouds gathering look ominous. Marvelous post. I am keeping your Sister in my prayers.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Beautiful photos on a cold winter day. And you are a sweet sweet sister!

Amy said...

Sherry, Like Tammie Lee, "I can feel your love and care for your sister." Prayers still coming your way.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

We do hold a lot of tension when a loved one is ill. Walks and nature do wonders. I hope her recovery is speedy and without suffering. Take care of yourself.

sweetbay said...

It's good that you got a chance to get out and relax today. The stormy sky picture and the Canada Geese are beautiful. I grew up on a lake with at least 50 resident mallards and a dozen Canada Geese, and it was always amazing to see ice on the feathers of the Canada Geese, they were so well insulated. Prayers and best wishes to your sister.

Flat Creek Farm said...

Please give your sister my well wishes. I'm sure you are a wonderful, loving caregiver. I pray for her strength and recovery.

I adore geese (I have my resident pair of Brown Chinese). One of my very favorite movies is "Fly Away Home. Something about them that touches my heart and gives me hope. -Tammy

Rose said...

Even on a cold day, a walk is the best way to relieve stress and feel so much better. Sending healing thoughts to your sister, Sherry.

Cheryl said...

Dear Sherry....I am glad you are finding time to walk and enjoy the wildlife that you love. Nature is healing.....
We have geese nearby....they will stay here till the spring.....

Holding you and your sister in my thoughts and prayers.....

Wendy said...

You've captured those geese splendidly! They look so nice, flapping wings and swimming on the pond. That tree is beautiful too. I am glad you are out and about. Walking does relieve stress, and so is doing what you love to do. Knitting, taking pics of wildlife and nature.
Sending love and light to your sister.

Kelly said...

i love you and send love to your sister, too. she is lucky to have you by her side, a person who is so deeply spiritual! i will be thinking of you both!