Tuesday, July 27, 2010

She is lovely

The female
Ruby Throated Hummingbird

is lovely.

A Giant Swallowtail

came into the
Bright Eyed Cosmos.
She is lovely too.


Roses and Lilacs said...

They are indeed lovely. You have varieties of hummers and butterflies we don't see in this area. Beautiful photos!!!

Anonymous said...

You captured her beautifully Sherry. Now I wonder if this is the one that hangs out here all day. I thought it was Anna's something because of the green. I think I've seen the ruby throated male so maybe she is. Now I'm confused. LOL

Lisa at Greenbow said...

This is probably an immature male hummer. GREAT photo. The butterfly is beautiful too.

Aimee said...

what beautiful photos! Hummers are rare where I live and whenever I see one it is an EVENT. Thanks!

Cheryl said...

Dear Sherry....such exquisite captures. They are indeed very very lovely. How wonderful to have them visit your gardens.

It is still hot and dry here. The rain that we had has done very little to help the trees and plants.
I had a tree surgeon come to visit last week. Some of my willow are under stress from lack of water.
Tree surgeon says to pray for rain.
He will leave the trees for a year and see if they improve when the rain comes.........some have dieback, they do not look healthy........

Deb said...

Such an incredible capture Sherry! I was hoping that the trumpet vine would attract the hummers to the garden this year (as well as the feeders)~ but it has been so hot and humid that even we haven't been sitting in the garden for long :-)

Wendy said...

Oh Sherry, your pics are exquisite! I love hummers. They are one of my totem animals too.

Trying to catch up here. Hope things are well with you.

Rose said...

Your photos are wonderful as always, Sherry. I'm always amazed at how you manage to capture these creatures, especially the hummingbird. Yesterday one came to sip from my verbena bonasienarus (sp?)while I was sitting on the porch--the perfect photo op, but of course I didn't have my camera:)

kkryno said...

Absoltetly! I could almost touch them. The images nearly jump out of my screen!

Thanks, Sherry.

Judy said...

She is breathtaking!!! And you have captured her perfectly!! I love it, Sherry!!

marmee said...


been missing seeing your lovely photos...these are wonderful. hope you are having a great summer.
i am away from my garden and blogging caring for my new grandbaby and her mommy.
happy summer.

Juliet said...

They are both very lovely, and your photos are amazing, especially the hummingbird pics.

Babara said...

Great and outstanding snapshots of the humingbird! Your garden must be a paradise for butterflies!