My doctor prescribed antibiotics for pneumonia.
I feel better today.
I was able to have a short time in the sun with the birds.
I have much compassion for those who have illness.
My husband has been a gentle care giver.
He fixed our meals.
He checked on me while I rested.
He has cared for the details.
Together we were able to pack up
our January decorations and clean the house.
The forced red tulips are in bloom.
I have cut a few for vases
and have left the others growing in soil.
They are part of my February decorating.
I have brought out the poems of
Rumi for February.
Basho is my new love
he walked with me when I was so very sick.
His face looks just like my husband.
I will keep his Elegant Way, his wabi sabi way,
while I twirl and spin in the love of Rumi.
We have fun in February.
We read stories from the
Arabian Nights
and listen to sitar music while
sipping Turkish coffees.
We watch the weather reports.
February often has terrible ice storms.
A Winter storm is on its way for tonight and tomorrow.
My husband is making sure we have everything
we need to be comfortable in case we are iced in.
I am working on
our calendar of events.
We have plans to hold hands on
Valentine's Day.
Perhaps a dance in the kitchen
after a light supper.
Luna New Year is February 3rd.
I am planning a nice stir fry for supper.
Candlemas is the 2nd. I will make some candles.
The wearing of red and black is the 1st.
We have plans to take care of
each other this month.
These are familiar ways.
I will be well soon.
Happy February.
Happy Sunday Safari.