I am reflecting today on 2007.
I have looked back at each month.
I remember the hope I had in January.
I had made plans for exotic gardens.
Mother Nature had another plan.
The Chick-a-dees
reminded me of the Spring.
It came so early and was frozen in April.
Nature changed me this past year.
She changed the way I garden.
She changed the way I find joy.
She showed me planting native,
planting for the butterflies,
was exotic.
She taught me to trust.
The Carolina Wrens always make me smile.
Their song and their call is cheerful.
They are just who they are.
They taught me acceptance with joy.
The Cardinals were my birds for the year.
I watched and learned their different nuances.
I learned all their different sounds.
I can anticipate their next move.
They taught me awareness.
The White Breasted Nuthatches are new to my backyard.
They taught me anything is possible.
Somethings more probable when I cooperate with nature.
Today as I gather 2007 I am aware of how much I have learned,
not only about nature but also about myself.
I am making my plans for 2008.
I have a theme and a word.
2008 is my year to have fun.
Please join me.