The afternoon warmed to 57 degrees.
I took my shoes and socks off.
A Question Mark Butterfly
flew over my head.
I sprang into action.I took my shoes and socks off.
A Question Mark Butterfly
flew over my head.

I went butterfly hunting,
barefooted and no hat!
Oh, joy!
Oh, grand December day!
Upon my return to my chair.
I found a bee interested in my latte.
Do bees drink lattes?
Perhaps I could find a bee sipper
and fill it with eggnog latte.
Christmas butterflies and bees.
Oh, joy!
Dearest Sherry,
Oh what a warm day, indeed!
I laughed about the Bee, and immediately thought that if you ever forget to send a birthday card in time; you could send the picture and say "Happy Bee-Latted Birthday!" hehe.
I'm laughing at myself.
The Photos are pretty! :-)
L~ *sprite
57! and still have butterflys flying about. Enjoying it!
I was in the 30s today with the wind still roaring through at times. Oh then to start my day off, two inches of snow coating everything. Actually that was a fun surprise. They had forecasted snow flurries.
Great to see you finding butterflies and bees this time of the year! Shouldn't be too long before it's spring again!
Wow! A warm day, a butterfly and a bee. Barefoot and bare head. That must have been a glorious day. The pictures are super.
Dear Sprite,
"He-he" is right!!! Thank you for the giggle, girlfriend!
I was so surpried to see a bee! The wind shifted during the night to the North..this morning it is too cold to even think about going out! No bees or butterflies today!
I am so glad I spent the afternoon outside yesterday. This may bee the bee and butterfly fix for me for a very long time!
Bee-Latte to you!
Dear Cathy,
Often in the winter our temperatures will warm up to the mid 50's. When ever that happens I often will see an Eastern Common or a Question Mark. They come out for a drink of water and some rotting fruit juice. I had an orange slice out just in case. I did not see the Question Mark on the orange slice!
Now seeing the bee was a real surprise. I may need to get some sort of dish garden I can set out on warmer winter days for the bees!
I am just about ready for a couple inches of snow. Maybe next week we will get some. It is so pretty.
Stay extra cozy,
Hi Mon@rch,
I was beyond thrilled! Yep, spring is just around the four month corner! If we warm up again this Question Mark could emerge.
Today's high is 32 degrees and windy and cold!
I have to grab the bees and butterflies when ever I can!
Hi Sue,
It was a gloroius day! I had some errands to run but I decided to wait and do them when it was too cold for butterflies. I was not sure I would see one so I was very pleased. The bee was an added plus. Seeing bee on my mug was so funny.
Now back to winter.
Maybe I will get some of your snow. It is pretty.
Those butterflies should not be there! Nor the bees!
They just love you Sherry. That's all.
Mary is right. I haven't seen a butterfly or bee recently -- just a few slow-moving wasps.
Butterflies and Bees in December. Woooo you are blessed. That bee must have been needing a warm up or some caffiene. :)
Dear Mary,
Brr....snow advisory this morning!
I shall have to bake cookies to stay warm today!
You can just imagine how pleased I was for bee and butterfly to stop by! I may not see any more for awhile. I like to think they came to see me but most likely they came for food and water!
I have created bird and butterfly gardens so maybe it was a quick "thank you!".
Dear Marvin,
There also were Lady Beetles! I have seen more Lady Beetles this Autumn than ever before.
Once again the cold has descended so my bee and butterfly days are over until another thaw and warm up.
Cold is coming to you too!
Stay warm and safe,
Dear Lisa,
Bee was so funny! I waited to pick up my mug! I was not scared of bee just wanted him to have enough time to decide latte was not bee food.
I love bugs!
Bees and butterflies! Wow! It's been so horrid here all week. Enjoy!
Dear Chris,
This beautiful Question Mark may have to sustain me for a few months! I think our weather is just so strange. The bee made me laugh. I also saw lady beetles.
Winter really does not officially start until December 21st but it has been vey cold. These two days of warm up was a nice break.
Hope you dry out soon.
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