I am learning what is the best food for me.
I am learning the Ayurveda way.
I also would like to make a few changes to my house and to my gardens.
I have desires and ideas.
I feel creative!
Spring has come and the Robins are singing and building their nests.I have desires and ideas.
I feel creative!

I too am singing.
A new day had dawned for me.
Wow a Robin's nest already. Our Robins are doing a lot of dancing and scuffling over territory and mates but no nests as yet. Winter is grappeling with Srping and Winter is winnning today. Brrrr the wind is cold and the temps aren't able to rise above it.
I can't wait to see the changes you have in mind for your garden and your digestion. Very intrigueing.
Your Spring retreat sounds like it was relaxing and inspirational.
Wishing you a Blessed Easter.
Hi Sherry....What a beautiful message from your daughter to start your treatments.
You sound as if a new day is dawning, may it be a wonderful journey for you.
Our birds are not nesting...the weather is cold and wet. Snow is forecast for tonight. Oh dear, my poor flowers.
Dear Sherry~
Heaven on Earth! I love that!
This is a wonderful sharing...
It is a new day, indeed!
Thank you.
Love Love Love~
Isn't that nest beautifully crafted, & so carefully engineered to remain where it is, safely anchored, come what may!
Lovely photos as usual Sherry.
Welcome back Sherry! I have a bluebird nest with three eggs already! So glad to hear your Robins are nesting away! Happy, happy Easter to you. :c)
Glad to see you had a wonderful time there. I miss reading your posts.
Have good Easter tomorrow!
I love your Robin photos and glad you are learning to eat better! Its something that I should be doing also! Happy Easter to you and your family!
Welcome back, Sherry! I'm so happy you are happy. I knew you would be...
Singing and loving spring, with a new way a life. It's the perfect time!
Does this mean you will not have marshmallow Peeps?
Dear Lisa,
This is a Robin's nest in Iowa!
There were so many Robins, well over a hundered, that the morning chorus was incredible!
Here at my house I have about six Robins in the yard. no nesting that I have seen yet.
I heard a cold front came through last night but must have missed me as it was sunny and up into the lows 50's today.
I have all sorts of ideas. Not only for the gardens but also for my house. My cooking will change some too.
I think these changes will be very fun!
Dear Deb,
I am very inspired!
Happy Easter to you and yours.
Dear Sherry, I look forward to all your inspirational posts and seeing your new ideas :-)
Dear Cheryl,
I hope your flowers will be okay. It is cool here today, just at freezing. Crocuses are still in bloom but everything else is still in bud.
The Ayurveda life style is a natural progression from the organic, vegetarian life style I was living. I like the integrated approach. I have a full day's routine to follow! Thank goodness there is still plenty of time for the birds and bugs!
My daughter is a kind and lovely woman. She understands what a big change going to the Spa was for me. You see I am not sick just tired! I needed a "prime the pump".
The Raj gave me exactly what I needed! What is very nice is I can always go again too!
I will see how I do at home and how much I can actually put into practice.
New beginnings!
I've been delving into 'Slow Food' ideas. So I will look at this also. My problem may be, that my doc is trying to find the reason for my continuing tiny bit of anemia. But, I will read it.
And I wish you so much well with your new way of life. It's not too new to you, though...
Dear Sprite,
It is exciting! This stress free way of living appeals to every part of me! It is a beautiful world we live in and I am wanting to enjoy it all!
Heaven on Earth is where ever we are.
Dear Meggie,
Thank you. The birds are good!
It is almost time for me to rake the leaves out of the flower beds and sow some seeds!
Dear Jayne,
Oh Jayne, how fantastic! The Blue Birds will be bringing babies to your feeders. Birth is a miracle.
Happy Easter,
Dear Cathy,
I am happy to be home. It was an excellent experience for me.
Hoppy Easter to you too!
Dear Tom,
I think I am learning how to digest my food better! No more stomach aches.
Happy Easter to you too!
Spring is here she is just a bit chilly!
Dear Mary,
I can have one organic marshmallow
peep at 10 am as long as I have a hot cup of lemon water to aide in digestion! LOL!
Mary you had a Tiger Swallowtail!
I was so excited to see your butterfly.
Spring is exciting! Hummers will be here any day.
Hoppy Easter,
Dear Chris,
Knowing my body better is a great adventure. Eating so that the body has proper nutition is necessary as I age.
No more skipping meals.
But I can skip after I rest my lunch for ten minutes!
Happy Easter,
Dear Mari-Nanci,
Slow Food is a great organization.
Protecting our biodiversity is very important!
Many of the Ayurveda ways are new to me. My little book just stratched the surface! It will take me years to implement all the different aspects but I am on my way.
I actually could do an entire blog
just on the Ayureveda way of eating!
I am practicing preventive health care by embracing the Ayureveda way. It is one thing to put the good stuff into our bodies and another thing for our bodies to absorb and assimilate the nutrition.
Hope you are able to find out why you are a wee bit anemic. Cooked raisins are easier to digest and are very tasty with a bit of cinnamon! Not only does Mockingbird get raisins in the morning but I do too!
Welcome back Sherry!
Maybe I can send you some 'kiwicha', just let me know and you'll get a treat from this side of the world ;)
Dear Mel,
I would love some kiwicha!
My e-mail address is in my profile.
Maybe yours is in your profile!
How fun.
Glad you are home too.
I will come for as visit.
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