I bought a very large pot of French Fringed Lavender for the deck.
It is a zone 9 plant and not hardy for me.
I have already found the perfect place for this large pot to over winter.
I shall move it into the corner window in my bedroom.
It is a continuous blooming lavender. I shall sleep well when the snows fly.
I also bought a Fern Leaf Lavender.
It is also known as an Egyptian Lavender.
Another exotic lavender for me and a zone 9 plant.
It will come in and scent the living room next winter.
Four Fuchsia hanging baskets are decorating my north walk and porch.
Again I have spots for these plants come next winter.
These plants are not native to my area but I can enjoy them all summer
and bring them in next Autumn. I have very little room so I do have to be mindful.
I am making my winter growing plans now.
The wind blew a few blooms off the Fuchsia by the office window.
I did a mini arrangement for my desk.
The scent is amazing! I love the light of Spring!
I love the songs of Spring!
The apple tree is in bloom.
The bees are busy.
It is a joy to be outside with the bees.
I am busy as a bee too!
You are a busy little bee Sherry. I love your photos. Our apple tree is blooming now too. Aren't they so pretty when they are abloom??
Dear Lisa,
It has just been beautiful outside!
Over the weekend we had showers but they stopped early enough we were able to get outside. The ground was wet but I planted up the deck pots! I still want to do a few more.
The apple tree is in my neighbor's yard. The house is empty. Today I took a break and sat under the apple tree for a few minutes.
They are very pretty when in bloom. The bees love the blooms too!
The Orioles should be back this week. I have the oranges and the jelly out for them.
I hope to come visiting soon. I have lots of catching up to do!
Spring is a busy time of year!
I love lavender and fushia! I hope you can overwinter your fushia. I havent' been able to.
I am glad you are enjoying the season. Your photos are beautiful! The little bird looks like he's just about to talk to you about something important!
Love and Light
What beautiful lavender! I've had fuscia plants and the hummingbirds love them. We saw our FIRST hummer today!
I like your lavender pictures...you will soon have a large tropical garden for next winter. I will try to grow or find some lavender plants this year -- though I may try to find some hardy varieties.
Dear Sherry.......This is such a wonderful time of year......your bees are indeed busy......as we all are in the spring.
I love the lavenders....I have grown non hardy species.....the damp weather here does not suit them....I stick with good old English lavender and admire the blooms that others grow.....
I am sure bringing them indoors will suit them fine.....and of course the fragrance of lavender will be very calming.....how lovely.....
I to am loving the birdsong......the garden is alive.....my apple tree is not in bloom yet.....she is always a little behind.......the mason bees are patiently waiting!!
Have a buzzy day......
What a beautiful post, Sherry! Your photos and prose draw in in such a way that I feel that I am right there basking in all of the light, and fragrances, and birds songs with you. Just beautiful!
Beautiful Sherry..!
I have missed your colourful summer blooms, birds and bugs.
I can almost smell the glorious lavender from here..!
It always is a great delight to return to your blog and enjoy the beautiful pictures of birds, flowers, butterflies etc.. There is so much love, joy and respect for the nature in them.
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