We planned for Earth Day 2010.

We planned to plant a Pear tree.
I have done my research.
I eat a pear every morning.
It is my favorite fruit.
I have been writing about the good pear.
I have been remembering. When I was a young lady my
Father planted a pear tree for me.
We found our Pear tree at a local nursery.

We planned to plant a Pear tree.
I have done my research.
I eat a pear every morning.
It is my favorite fruit.
I have been writing about the good pear.
I have been remembering. When I was a young lady my
Father planted a pear tree for me.
We found our Pear tree at a local nursery.
This is the sames species of tree that once
grew in my parent's back yard.
We located the perfect growing spot in our backyard.
We planted our tree.

The Pear tree is the beginning of my
Child's Garden of Grace.
My sister's 6 year old's foot print
and my 4 year's old's foot print will be placed in the garden.
My husband carefully removed the stepping stones
from my parent's patio before
the house was sold in 2001.
Gentle rains began mid-morning.
I came in and turned on a lamp
and some music.
I wrote in my garden journal,
"Earth day, 2010,
Planted the Pear Tree.
Thundershowers watered her in."
Happy Earth Day.
Happy Earth Day Sherry ~ I love the idea of planting a tree today. We have a flowering pear in our garden - it has now flowered and so pretty ♥ You and your sister's stepping stones are fabulous and will make the perfect addition to your garden!
I didn't know it was earth day, or even what earth day was - I had to go and look it up - so thank you for bringing it to my attention!
What a lovely idea, to plant a tree for it. I'll have to go and read through all the other actions they suggest on the earth day site, to see whether there are any I could do which I'm not already doing.
Happy Earth Day to you too Sherry. You did a good thing planting that pear tree so close to your deck so you can keep an eye on it. Later you will be able to pick right from the deck. What fun. Those steps are so sweet. How is your sister getting along? I worked today so I didn't do anything except walk around in the garden a little while. I had to water some of my transplants. I hope the rain that has watered in your pear tree comes our way. Cheers.
My dear Sherry......plant pears for your heirs. I read this in a very old garden journal once. Pear trees live a long life......
How wonderful to plant the same tree as your parents planted for you. You honour them.....
It will be lovely to walk down the steps and take a pear from the tree when they are ripe.......that is a special breakfast treat.
A wonderful thing you do for earth day but I know like me you honour the earth everyday. Not a day goes by when I do not think of our planet.....
The footprints are magical, and I am sure so very very special to you. Your husband is a kind man.
Look forward to safari with you......
Sherry, I often wonder how you come up with your amazing combinations - the D'Anjou pear tree is so healthy looking - I can almost taste them!
Ironically (we thought) on Earth Day we were clearing brush - planting a tree seems much more appropriate. We've decided to "edit" so as to improve the health of the remaining trees and shrubs. So I guess in a way it was an earth friendly thing to do!
Wow, what a nice post.
I wonder if a pear tree would survive the winters here? They have apple trees---hmmmm.
Happy belated Earth Day to you, Sherry!
Love, V.
A belated Happy Earth Day to you, Sherry! The pear tree looks so nice and healthy, and the April showers surely helped it to settle in. I like your idea of the child's garden, and it's going to be so special with those footprints added--what a wonderful memory!
I realized when I came to visit this morning that I haven't been here all week. I'm so glad I saw all your blooms and the finds of your Sunday safari. My lilacs are in bloom right now, too, and I'm always so disappointed that they don't last very long once cut. I'd never thought of drying them before--what a great idea!
Hope the April showers are refreshing your garden and that you have a wonderful weekend. Thank you again for the bird photos--they were a big hit with the audience, many of whom have dementia. Meeting them and helping them to plant a few flowers was an inspirational experience for me.
It is always good to plant a tree :-) and a fruit tree will bring you so much in the future. The stepping stones are wonderful, what a great idea!
Such a meaningful post for Earth Day, Sherry! I love the idea of your childhood stepping stones now a part of your garden.
Hola Sherry,
Enjoy your pear tree. Here I have no garden, but at least I can enjoy some nature not that far away from the city.
Take care!
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