Just a little story.
Last night, after Cardinal time,
while preparing the house for our evening,
I saw dust.
I was lowering the blinds in the living room.
There was dust.
Lots of dust.
I went for the lamb's wool duster. I had to hunt for it. I turned on the ceiling fixture so I could see better. There was dust. Where did all this dust come from?Last night, after Cardinal time,
while preparing the house for our evening,
I saw dust.
I was lowering the blinds in the living room.
There was dust.
Lots of dust.

I had a few minutes before it would be time to start supper. I came to my desk thinking I would come visiting. See what was going on with you. After a short while the desire to clean the wood blinds in the kitchen came over me.
When my husband came home from work he found me sitting in the sink. I was cleaning. I had been bitten by the cleaning bug. This is no ordinary bug. This desire to dust and sweep the crumbs away only comes once in awhile.
This morning the desire to clean was strong. I began scrubbing the floors and walls. I dusted ceilings and shook curtains. Inside and outside the cabinets my dust cloth wiped. I flew about cleaning and singing and having so much fun.
The tops of the doors, crown molding, chair rails and the baseboards were all dusted. The crevice tool came out. This is serious cleaning. I scrubbed floors and tile. Windows and sills washed and polished. I am not expecting company. I am not entertaining. I do not know why I am cleaning as if an event is about to happen.
Then I heard the birds.
Oh my, I forgot to feed the birds.
I gathered the seed and the nuts and went out.
They were waiting for me.
I realized how smitten I am with the birds. All of them. I am delighted with the Cardinals. The Sparrows make me laugh. The Gold Finches are so sweet. The Purple Finches glitter in the light. I enjoy bird time.
It is not a case of one or the other.
I can be bitten and smitten at the same time. I can take care of the house, the gardens, me and the birds.
Today I have enthusiasm. Today I have energy. Today I am excited.
The Season of Light is coming.
I am preparing to let the light in. I am preparing to shine.
How lucky you are! I've avoided the biting and smiting dust and clean bug for so long, I don't know where to start - so I don't. Grin. Your birds are perfect!
-happy sigh- Another wonderful entry. And beautiful photos too.
Don't you think you should be compiling your words/photos? As for a book, maybe? Instead of just handing them out here, to people?
I know. I know. You don't want to do that. You want to simply share. I know.
Maybe that was my way of saying {yet again} that you are a joy.
Thank you, for handing them out to me. To us.
Dear Sue,
I was shocked by the cleaning bug and so very pleased! It is easier for me to do chores when I am full of enthusiasm. I have been depressed for almost eight months. It lifted last night when I was biten by the cleaning bug!
Having time and energy today for the birds, for cleaning, enjoying my music and some gardening was very wonderful.
Tomorrow I will start decorating.
I am very excited to see the lovely December things. Just a few minutes ago my husband began bringing up the bins. He had two small boxes that he was unsure of. Things I had bought during the year. One box had two glass buterflies for my butterfly tree the other a glass dragonfly for the dragonly tree. I do many trees in December.
Oh, the joy of it all!
Dear Mari-Nanci,
You are so very kind. Maybe someday some publisher will see my work! As it is, yes, my photos and my words are my way of sharing with the world. Here I do my service! Even when I am depressed I am happy. Even when I can barely get out of my chair, I find joy. It's my job to enjoy my life no one else will enjoy it for me!
Thank you for your support.
I am awake and ready to decorate.
Oh those wonderful cleaning bug! I tend to do that to.
You have been depressed for the last couple of month. Would never know but you probably like me, it just because a part of your life and you accept it. Knowing ones these days, you'll come out it.
I got tired just reading about all the cleaning going on there!! Whew!!
Funny thing I too have had a burst of energy and desire to clean and dust and I have and had natureboy help..we washed down 2 floors of plantation blinds and the inside of all windows..perhaps we want a ~sparkling~ Christmas!! Love the birdies!! hugs aNNa
Dear Cathy,
Yes, I do accept how ever I am! I like the energy of being enthusiastic but when ever depression has come upon me I do accept that is how I am. I do things so I do not become so very depressed that I can not function; I eat right and walk and say my, "Thank yous!"
When I am connected I am filled with creative ideas. I like that.
I also honor myself. If I am sad, glad or mad I do not pretend I do not have the feeling. When I am mad every one knows! I seldom get mad.
There are a few phrases I cling to. "This too shall pass" is one of them. With depression I always want,"hurry up and go away!"
I hope the enthusiasm stays for many years.
Dear Anna,
I am stiff and sore today!
I think I will get a massage next week! My plan is to get the decorating done by Monday. I will be able to do some creative things too before I leave for Portland.
It is so nice to have the house clean.
It is GREAT to read you are cleaning too. This means you feel better. Nature Boy is very kind to help. Cleaning with my husband is always wonderful. He is so fast.
He does some of the hard to reach spots for me.
We do want sparkling and shiny!
I still have the silver to polish...that's for after all the bins are unpacked.
Hugs to you too,
Oh my, Sherry, you put me to shame :-) I always say we have to have a complete cleaning session before our decs go up for Christmas but I haven't tackled it yet. Great photos as always!
Oh Sherry! What a delightful story of Bitten and Smitten. I love your writing!
You are awesome!
Dear Chris,
I have been hitting the high spots for too long! Getting into the corners was nice. Maybe I will be able to keep up the deep cleaning and work again on getting rid of some of the overfill! This is a little house and it has too much stuff in it.
I am using my vacuum to get as much dust out as possible. We do change the furnace filter often. The windows and doors have been open for months now and I have not had the energy to do anything about the dust!
I hope the depression is over.
I hope I can sustain the enthusiasm.
Enjoy decorating.
Dear Sprite,
I love to fall in love!
It seems as if it has been awhile.
I also love to have flowers all over the house. I have not had flowers for so long!
Once my decorating is finished I will go get my pink roses for my vases. I will cut the pines for my greenery and I will once again enjoy the beauty of the flowers.
Every tabletop scape will have a flower and every room will have trees and tiny lights. I did the Solstice tree yesterday. It is the Ficus tree in my travel room. I dusted all the leaves on this old tree and gave her some needed nurishment. I filled her branches with crystals, tiny mirrors and rice lights. I have a few new trees to add in this year too.
It is fun.
Glad you enjoyed this little true life story. I am having fun!
Dear Sherry,
I want to be bitten, too! I so enjoyed this. There have been days when I crave to clean the house. Like, when the sun sets in the west, through the glass door, and into the bedroom and shines on a layer of dust I wouldn't ordinarily see. I realize I had not dusted the bottom of the dresser in quite some time!
Your photos get continually get better with every post.
Clean on, white tornado!
Dear Mary,
I was so pleased to have been bitten! I have been flat as a pancake for months. Once in awhile some excitment would bubble forth but mostly it has been tired and low energy. I was not sure the bite was real. I wondered if I could sustain the energy. Sure enough in my pockets I have dust cloths instead of lens cloths. It is a real break through.
Thank you for photo compliment. I was not out side for very long. I was happy the birds just came on in. Sometimes the backgrounds come out nicely. I have no control over any of it! These were just point and shoot. LOL! The birds are so pretty and sometimes the light is great!
Hugs to you too,
Let's chat soon!
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