Dear Mom,
I want to show you everything.
You loved Christmas so very much.

The dolly tree has special
memories hanging in its branches.
Do recall my little curler?

Remember all the Christmas cards you saved?
I have framed many of them.
They sit on top the cup racks in crystal
and silver frames.

Thank you for giving me my favorite ornament.
You told me it was your favorite one too.
I have it on the mantel.
The mercury glass holder goes perfect!
I am so glad Grandma saved the ornaments from your childhood.
I am grateful they hung on my childhood tree.
I want to show you everything.
You loved Christmas so very much.

The dolly tree has special
memories hanging in its branches.
Do recall my little curler?
Remember all the Christmas cards you saved?
I have framed many of them.
They sit on top the cup racks in crystal
and silver frames.
Thank you for giving me my favorite ornament.
You told me it was your favorite one too.
I have it on the mantel.
The mercury glass holder goes perfect!
I am so glad Grandma saved the ornaments from your childhood.
I am grateful they hung on my childhood tree.
I have lots and lots of little trees.
They hold the treasures of your life and mine.
The little pieces of this and that.
Happy Birthday, Mom.
I miss you.
They hold the treasures of your life and mine.
The little pieces of this and that.
Happy Birthday, Mom.
I miss you.
Oh, dear Sherry. If I were talking with you I could hardly speak. I share your sentiments...missing Mom. She would be in awe of your heart and talents.
Dear Sherry, this is a lovely touching post. I have heard on the news today how bad your weather is and I hope you are all safe and warm! I often miss my mum for different reasons and want to talk to her or have a hug. Take care xx
Dear Mary,
My Mom would have been 84 years old today. I have her Christmas candles and every year I light them on her birthday. On her 80th I took them and a cake and sprung her out of the nursing home for a birthday lunch. She did not know her birthday candles were her never used Christmas candles that were over 40 years old! I told her but I do not think she understood. I did! My Mother wanted to blow her candles out three different times. She could have blown them out a hundred times if she had wanted to. I was delighted!
She always enjoyed the way I decorated for Christmas. I think she would love the memory trees I have done.
Thanks honey. I appriciate your friendship. We will just have to "Mom" each other.
Dear Chris,
Thank you.
We are okay. I do not like ice!!!
The entire mid-west was hit hard.
It is part of getting older isn't it? Now that both of my parents are gone I am so aware of the gifts they gave me. Sometimes it was what not to do as much as what to do!
My Mom was not much of a hugging person. She did like to hold hands. I like to hug and hold hands!
We will hug and hold hands and somehow make it through.
Have you had any sunshine?
I miss the sun.
Dear Sherry
This is a lovely post dedicated to your Mum and all your dear memories together. I hope you are keeping safe and warm.
I am sorry you no longer have your Mom. I think this time of year is especially sad at times when because we tend to reminise so much.
Dear Deb,
Thank you. She always loved her birthday! She liked presents.
I hope you are also safe and warm. You have snow and I think you received some of this freezing rain! Glad you were able to get some shopping in before all the weather hit.
Cocoa time.
Dear Lisa,
I always remember my Mother's birthday. I remember my Dad's as well. I do miss them. My Mother was a talented seamstress and I have many beautiful things she made for me over the years.
When she broke up housekeeping she asked me to distribute her household goods. Many things I have are the leftovers. I have made them into all sorts of pretty decorative things. The old Christmas cards no-one wanted. I adore them. Cards from my Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles now gone, are treasures for me.
I do remember.
Thank you for your frienship,
Dear Sherry, our Mothers were born in the same year. Mine in March, she left us in 1997.
Ten years that passed so quickly, yet it still hurts. We miss them always but especially on these occasions. My Mum loved piglets, I have a piglet angel, tiny and complete with wings and halo that is always at the top of our main tree.
Big hugs dear lady..
A beautiful entry...
Dear Sheila.
I so adore your angel piglet story! We honour those that have gone on before us. It is part of who we are. I understand the missing.
Thank you.
Dear Mari-Nanci,
Thank you. My Mother would have enjoyed "Corner". She would have liked coming to my house for lunch and watching slide shows. I can almost hear her "ohhs and ahhs".
Hugs and blessings,
Sherry this is a beautifull remembrance and tribute to your mothers memory..forever in your heart
loving thoughts and wishes sent your way. Love and hugs your ~Frister~ (sister friend) aNNa xoxoxxo
Dear Anna,
Thank you dear heart.
I just love, "frister".
We are too, sister-friends.
My Mother was a kind lady. You would have enjoyed her.
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