I am reflecting today on 2007.
I have looked back at each month.
I remember the hope I had in January.
I had made plans for exotic gardens.
Mother Nature had another plan.

The Chick-a-dees
reminded me of the Spring.
It came so early and was frozen in April.Nature changed me this past year.
She changed the way I garden.
She changed the way I find joy.
She showed me planting native,
planting for the butterflies,
was exotic.
She taught me to trust.

The Carolina Wrens always make me smile.
Their song and their call is cheerful.
They are just who they are.
They taught me acceptance with joy.

The Cardinals were my birds for the year.
I watched and learned their different nuances.
I learned all their different sounds.
I can anticipate their next move.
They taught me awareness.
I have looked back at each month.
I remember the hope I had in January.
I had made plans for exotic gardens.
Mother Nature had another plan.

The Chick-a-dees
reminded me of the Spring.
It came so early and was frozen in April.
She changed the way I garden.
She changed the way I find joy.
She showed me planting native,
planting for the butterflies,
was exotic.
She taught me to trust.

The Carolina Wrens always make me smile.
Their song and their call is cheerful.
They are just who they are.
They taught me acceptance with joy.

The Cardinals were my birds for the year.
I watched and learned their different nuances.
I learned all their different sounds.
I can anticipate their next move.
They taught me awareness.
The White Breasted Nuthatches are new to my backyard.
They taught me anything is possible.
Somethings more probable when I cooperate with nature.
Today as I gather 2007 I am aware of how much I have learned,
not only about nature but also about myself.
I am making my plans for 2008.
I have a theme and a word.
2008 is my year to have fun.
Please join me.
Sherry I will right there with you this year. FUN is my motto. I don't shirk responsibilities but I am the proverbial 'glass half full' girl. You have to think positive to be positive....
What lovely gatherings, Sherry! Can you narrate those words to photos for a year-end video? Just a thought. It would be a delight to hear this post in your voice. Just a thought. Just a thought. :) Here's wishing you a great fun-filled 2008!
Fabulous photos Sherry, and beautiful writing. I've enjoyed "visiting" this year and wish you a happy 2008!
Oh Yes it is about time I had some fun..I'm with you! Beautiful birds as always!
Wishing you peace love inspiration and blessings as we move forward to a NEW YEAR! hugs NG
How wonderful and I can't wait to see what 2008 will bring! Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Dear Lisa,
Fun shall be my motto as well. I bet you could teach me all sorts of ways to have fun. My goal is to find fun everyday in 2008. I am making a list of fun things to do.
We shall laugh and play together.
Dear Sue,
I could...I have a microphone...I have lots of bird photos...
My daughter thinks your idea is a wonderful idea. I am nervous just thinking of my voice on Corner! I will see if my husband will set the microphone up for me.
I will see what I can come up with.
You are good! A wonderful challange. I could write another piece too. I am laughing and delighted and thinking! Thank you! I feel the creative juices rising.
I bet this will be fun.
Thank you for the invitation - I accept! My visits at Q's corner are always FUN & I look forward to a FUN-filled 2008 :-}
Wishing you the happiest of New Years dear Sherry.
Absolutely, Sherry! Fun sounds like a good plan for 2008. I'll join you in the journey. xoxo
Wonderful message, Sherry. Fun. That's the key to a good year. You will have it.
Your birds are beautiful.
Best wishes for a wonderful year,
Dear David,
I do not get around to every one as often as I would like to. I will catch up with you soon. You are so funny and I enjoy your gardening and your birds.
Trees do like to stay planted if at all possible. LOL!
Happy 2008! I have ideas for gardens this year. I hope Mother Nature agrees.
Dear Anna,
We will have fun! Your ankle will heal and once again you will be out with your roses. Until spring we will laugh and find all sorts of amusements.
Thank you for your blessings.
Happy New Year!
Dear Mon@rch,
I have learned so much from your posts. Coming to your blog is always a delight.
Happy New Year to you and to all the young naturalist you mentor.
You do wonderful work.
Dear Deb,
We shall laugh! I feel so hopeful.
Butterflies and Hummingbirds will return and maybe the Orioles!
I will plant more paw-paws and lots of zinnias.
Maybe we will even see a few bees and the spiders will once again build webs. Oh Deb, thank you for being my friend.
Happy New Year.
We will have fun, even if there are some sadnesses we will find something fun each day!
Sherry, who wants a new blue hat for 2008
Dear Saucy,
You do jnow how to have fun!
With your imagination and creativity I bet we will be singing and playing every day!
Happy 2008!
Dear Mary,
When I count my blessings for 2007 you are on the top of the list!
I hope to come and visit. I want to see your pups and your fish and all your wonderful birds!
I bet you have butterflies just waiting to have their photos taken.
If it rains we will not mind. We will giggle and laugh and enjoy just seeing each other.
Thank you for your friendship.
Happy New Year.
Sherry, I came back. Grin. Do you actually have paw-paws? I tasted them when I was a very young child in the flatlands of Kansas and have built quite a memory around them. Wrote a paw-paw post one time and received a message from a fellow in Australia who grew them and HATED them. So, what do I know?
Stunning post and photos.
Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Fun it is! I am all on board for that! Love your "lessons learned" Sherry. Happy, happy new year to you.
Dear Sue,
I do grow Paw-paws! They are the host plant for the Zebra Swallowtails. I have tasted the fruit and I am not impressed either! My idea is to grow a hedge of these bushes as an understory for an old Forsythia hedge that grows across the backyard.
They are native bushes in my area but not very people plant them as they are not considered "pretty".
I bet the Zebra Swallowtails think they are pretty!
I would love to establish a Zebra Swallowtail colony in my backyard.
That would be pretty and so much fun!
Dear Judy,
Thank you. I have not been out visiting very much lately. I will pop "down under" and see what marvels you have created.
Happy New Year to you too.
May your 2008 be one of prosperity and health.
Sherry, who is still gathering little things for your box. I am slow but very sure.
Dear Jayne,
Happy Fun Year to you too!
This will be a great year for birds and laughs and easy, no stress no worry days! All is in perfect order. I bet a butterfly will come to play too.
So happy I have met you.
I want to join you,too, in making this a year of fun! I have already started with learning how to communicate with this new tool. It's adelight to be able to go to corner any time I want and share aii the beauty you create there. Happy, happy birthday and new year!
Oh yes, I want to join you!!!!
Wishing you Happiness and Health in the New Year. Oh and... Fun!!!
Dear Carol,
It is so fun to see you here on Corner. We have lots of fun and many beautiful birds and bugs to keep our hearts light. We laugh and play and sometimes tackle the big question of the day, "what's for supper?"
Thank you for Birthday wishes.
I am having a most wonderful day. Tonight we will go out for an early supper and back home to open presents! I love presents both to give and receive.
We will have a fun filled 2008. I can feel it in my bones. I also can feel the cold North wind! Age does has its perks, I can forecast the weather.
Dear Mari-Nanci,
Happy New Year.
On my list of things that are fun to do is, "sleeping all night".
I have been sleeping all night since I returned from vacation!
I think my year of getting used to no hormones is almost over.
With plenty of sleep I am sure we will have fun together! Good sleep is so important for fun.
Thank you for your friendship,
Beautiful :-) You will have a full garden :-)
Dear Chris,
Birds, butterflies and blooms!
As I look out at the winter landscape I am filled with hope.
I also see all sorts of grassy spots that could be hedges and I think there is room for at least two more trees!
Always room for more plants.
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