For today is your Day of all Days."
The Birthday Bird of Katroo came calling.

"Then the bird says,
"Come on! Brush your teeth and let's go!
It's your Day of all Days!
It's the Best of the Best!"
I wanted to see the sun rise.
I want to enjoy each minute of this day.
Today is my birthday!
Happy Birthday Sweetie!! I hope the day brings you as much joy as you bring to all of us. (LOTS and LOTS!!!)
Dear Lynne,
Thank you!!
My husband left me three bouquets of flowers so I have been having fun arranging them.
He also left birthday cards and lots of presents....
We will go out for supper after he comes home from work.
I love my birthday!
Hugs and smiles and fun!
Happy birthday, Mommy! Today is your special day! Today you are you!
What a pleasant surprise. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Girl. I would give you a big hug if I was anywhere near you.
I hope you have this sunshine we are having here today to go along with your beautiful flowers, cards and gifts.
Enjoy the day....
With happy pleasant thoughts for you ~~Lisa
Happy Birthday, Sherry! Happy Birthday to You!
Oh my Dear, a Happy, Happy Birthday to you!
Oh yes, enjoy every moment.
I think on Birthdays, we should only have to do, what we want to do. I wish you this, on your Birthday.
Many hugs,
Happy Belated Birthday!
Beautiful Tiger Lillies!
What a lovely husband to provide so many flowers, which are truly treasures.
Dear Housefrau,
Oh Susiums! Today is my day of all days! Today I am me! He-he-he.
I am looking at a very fun package all dressed up for birthday. Looking forward to opening with you after your working time.
Yeah! I am having a most wonderful day.
Dear Lisa,
Thank you! If you were near we would share a piece of Birthday cake and laugh and watch the birds. I would most likely snap a few photos!
Thank you for the hugs, I felt them come on the wings of a Dove.
I do have some sunshine and many birds!
Thank you for your kind words.
It's my birthday! I love my birthday. I look forward to it every year.
Hugs and blessings,
Dear Sue,
Thank you! I come from birthday people! My husband and children have always made my day special even tho it is during the "Holiday" time. My parents tried to but with six kids and taxes well, my mother made sure I always had a birthday cake.
We celebrate my birthday all the way to 11pm! Than zip-zap-zip over to the New Year!
So many days to celebrate; so much fun to be had.
Thank you for your friendship,
Sherry, who is working on narrating a piece (smiles)
Dear Mari-Nanci,
Thank you! Your hugs are so warm and comforting. Ahhhh....
I normally only do what I want to do! Thank goodness I like doing laundry. Fun game where socks always win.
I too think birthdays should be spent enjoying...I also think every day should have an element of enjoyment. At least a tiny bit.
LOL!! I am now having fun. Learning how to have fun is fun. Having a birthday on the last day of the year is very fun! I get to stop and start all on the same day.
Easy and delightful.
Hugs and Happy New Year,
We will laugh all year long,
Dear Meggie,
My husband is very kind and giving. The flowers are beautiful!
I will have flowers all around me for a few weeks. He has presents too just waiting to be opened. When I came out to the kitchen this morning he had a new space heater turned on by my morning perch. My coffee and water ready too. I am well cared for.
Thank you for your Birthday wishes,
Happy Birthday Sherry!! I sent you a birthday cake via email :)
Dear Cathy,
Thank you so very much!
I love the birthday cake you sent me! I did make a wish....I wish for more birthday cakes...lots and lots more.
It has been an honor getting to know you.
Thank you for your friendship.
I feel so blessed.
Dear Sherry, wishing you a belated Happy Birthday! Our days are not so far apart :-) I hope you had a wonderful day :-)
Happy (belated) Birthday Sherry!!
Wishing you a day as special as you are!!
Dear chris,
Thank you!
Having a birthday in December can be a struggle for some but not me. I love my birthday! I never have the after Christmas "blues"!
Hope you also had a nice birthday. Being fifty is very nice. I turned 55 and am happy I did. My knees are not in as great shape as they once were, all the gardening, but I still can get around just fine.
I am changing the way I do things. I am aware that I am getting a tad bit older and need to do my gardening a bit differently.
Easy and fun that's the 2008 way.
Thanks so much for your kind words,
Dear Deb,
Thank you! My birthday lasts for a few days this year. My son will be home to celebrate with me at the end of the week. He left a surprise present! When he called I was to find it and we laughed together as I opened it up.
Thank you for thinking of me.
Happy Belated Birthday, dear friend. I'm so sorry I miss it :o(
You had a wonderful day and you deserve it, young lady.
Dear Mary,
I celebrate my birthday for weeks!
I re-read cards and play with my presents for at least two weeks. The white roses my husband gave me are beginning to open. They are gorgeous.
My daughter and son-in-love gave me an art piece that is a bird feeder. It is way too beautiful for outside. I am hanging it in the living room and filling it with nuts for me to munch on while I watch the birds.
I may have gone to the birds but I go in style!
Thank you for your friendship. It means the world to me.
Dearest Sherry, Butterfly Woman,
Happy Happy Birthday Girlfriend! It is a delight to share a birthday with such a precious friend!
Thank you for sharing your day with us.
Love you,
Dear Sprite,
Thank you for calling me "Butterfly Woman!" If I close my eyes I can almost feel them fluttering over my head. It is sooooo cold this morning, 6 degrees. On bitter cold days like today I do miss the butterflies. I saw the forecast is for 63 on Sunday! Crazy Missouri weather. If it does get up to 63 I could have a few butterflies looking for a quick snack. I have bananas ready to put out just in case.
It is your "day of all days" too! Hope your birthday was extra fun this year. It is very wonderful knowing we share this special day.
You are a very dear to me friend. I look forward to sharing 2008 with you. I think of you as Goddess of the Moon!
Hugs and laughter.
Bird songs and butterfly wings,
A little bit late but nevertheless all my very best wishes for your special day...and the coming year! I'm sure you had a wonderful birthday, spoilt and cared by all your family. A belated very happy birthday to you!
Dear Barbara,
Thank you! Birthday wishes are always welcome. I celebrate for weeks. My son is coming in soon and we will celebrate my birthday with him. I enjoy stretching my special day out. As you can tell I really like my birthday.
Thank you! Happy New Year to you and yours.
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