I was going to post a piece about wooden shoes.
I have a large collection.

I was going to write a story about
St. Nicklaus Day.
I have a large collection.

I was going to write a story about
St. Nicklaus Day.

My Grandmother's magazines
are full of ideas I thought I would share.
are full of ideas I thought I would share.
The snow took me away.
Today is a photographer's dream.
Have a Happy St. Nick's Day.
My shoes are full of snow!
Happy St Nicks Day to you too.
Wow those old magazines look very intersting. What a treasure.
Wooden shoes, how cool is that. What made you start collecting them?
Thank you, Lisa,
I have lots of the old magazines, some date back to the 1920's. They are very fun to read.
I gave my husband a pair of wooden shoes on our first St.Nick's Day in 1972. Since that time I have collected them. I have many! I use them to hold all the different decorator things I need at Christmas time; ribbon, florist wire, remotes for the lights..that sort of thing. In my entryway I have them lined up in front of a china cabinet. They hide all the cords running under the cabinet! In the kitchen I have cinnamon sticks and chocolate sticks (they are my stir sticks) in wooden shoes.
I also collect German Smokers. I was given one by a girlfriend one year and began buying them when I find them in the antique stores. I like the old ones.
I have lots of collections and December is the best time of the year to display them.
You are amazing! I'm always inspired by your blog.
The variety you provide in your blog is great, but I would continue visiting for your photos of cardinals alone. They are fantastic!
You were right. We were south of the freeze line and didn't receive any snow. Fortunately, we didn't receive any of the sleet and freezing rain that was between you and I either.
Dear Karen,
Thank you! I do lots of different things. We live in a little house so I must be creative if I am to keep the clutter at bay and still have all the sweet remembrances of the different months out to enjoy.
The card photo is one that came from my Mother's saved Christmas cards. I have framed many of them. This one is in our master bath. My Mother saved everything! When she broke up her housekeeping I kept some of the things no-one else wanted. I turned these little treasures into decorations.
December is a full house month!
Dear Marvin,
I am so glad the freezing rain stayed north of you. We are to have another round of precipitation this weekend. We are just on the cusp of freezing...I hope for cold and snow rather than sleet and freezing rain.
Many, many Cardinals come in the Winter for seed. I do love them. Come Spring there will be the territory disputes! Their song is one of my favorites in the bird kingdom. The female Cardinal is my all time favorite bird.
Belated Happy St Nicklaus to you :-) Absolutely brilliant photos!
The snow can be so captivating. I too, am taken away by it. A cup of cocoa, lovely Christmas music and a nice magazine, and I'm good to go.
Your photos are gorgeous!
The snow can be so captivating. I too, am taken away by it. A cup of cocoa, lovely Christmas music and a nice magazine, and I'm good to go.
Your photos are gorgeous!
Dear Chris,
Thank you. Years ago St. Nick's Day was when I offically started the Holiday Season. I had diffferent "gifts" for the kids and my husband. Nice time to give money and music.
The snow was very beautiful, large flakes and breaks every now and again. Today it warmed above freezing so much melted.
Dear Sprite,
I too fixed a cup of cocoa!
I was so captivated that I did not do anything but watch all the birds. Oh well, I have gone to the birds!
Thank you. Snow fall adds such a wonderful dimension. I like the movement.
Stay safe and warm.
Mother Nature decorates the best!
Sherry, you should consider entering your photos into some nature magazines. You could even make your own nature calendars and sell them. xoxo Nita
Dear Nita,
Thank you! My daughter told me whenever I am ready to hit the market place she will help!
It is another side of the creative process. I think off and on about what I really want to do with photos and so far I just like taking the pictures.
One of these days!
Thank you for your support. You enjoying the photos pleases me very much. It is nice to be friends.
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