Weather delays create a domino
effect for the airlines.

High winds in the west
and a winter storm in the mid-west
kept me on the ground for a few hours in the south.
Storms move on and so did I .
I had planned for a day of travel.effect for the airlines.

High winds in the west
and a winter storm in the mid-west
kept me on the ground for a few hours in the south.
Storms move on and so did I .

My carry on bag was full of nutritious snacks
my daughter had packed for my return trip.
My new book,
"The Pacific Northwest an Interpretive History"
by Carlos Arnaldo Schwantes, kept me entertained.
I will return to the Pacific Northwest.
I want to see Portland , Oregon in the spring.
I want to laugh again with my daughter and the Gulls.
Coming home was a delight.
A freezing mist reminded us
to be full of care as we followed
the well known highways,
black ice is invisible.
We had all the time we needed to return safely,
no hurry, no worry no stress.
Our son greeted us with warm lights
and hugs.
I slept in this morning.
The birds had been well cared for while I was gone.
It is good to travel.and hugs.
I slept in this morning.
The birds had been well cared for while I was gone.
It is good to return home.
I'm so glad you are safe at home. And that you had a lovely trip. And the weather did not really do too much to your travel plans this time. And... that you are safe at home. :-)
{who was out in the snow, taking some pictures a while ago. Trying to learn my new camera settings! Ohh my! -smile-}
Good to have you back home safe and soundl. Glad you had a good trip. Can't wait to hear about all your happenings.
Dear Mari-Nanci,
I am looking forward to seeing your snow photos! Learning a new camera can be fun and frustrating!
So hope you just relax and enjoy it.
I am happy to be home. I am planning to have a few days of rest. There is laundry to do and the mail! No hurry on either of those chores.
Holiday travel is fun when I give myself all the time I need to get from here to there.
My son took care of the house and the birds. Nice to come home to a warm house.
Dear Lisa,
Back with my birds! I did miss them.
I think I will stay home for a few days and watch my birds come and go. I have my scrapbook to do and lots of new music to listen to. I also want to laugh with my son and maybe take a few walks.
Thank you for checking on me.
I shall pop over and catch up with you. I want to know about your Christmas time.
Did you get the big snow I heard about?
It's good to have you back posting the most beautiful images! How about that we both posted snowmen..what a connection! I am doing fine..being spoiled by DH and family! God is good to me! Thank you for the candle!
hugs aNNa xo
Cute snowman! Who made it? Glad to see you got back safely.
Hi Sherry,
Glad you are back! What a trip. It seemed to fly by, didn't it?
I know you enjoyed your daughter more than words can tell.
And I'm happy to hear your son tended to the birds. That's a very important job!
Dear Anna,
It is good to be home. I enjoyed being with my daughter and son-in-love but I also love being home.
Thank goodness your beloved is spoiling you! We have snow and I hope I will see more snowmen. My son built the little snowman on my potting up table to greet me when I pulled into the driveway last night.
I do love seeing snow creatures men or animals. Last year my husband built a Snow Penguin for me!
You are so welcome for the blessings of light.
Enjoy your healing time.
Dear Cathy,
My son was so sweet to build the little snowman. Right after I left on the 21st a snow storm came and he built another tabletop snowman. It melted but he was able to get a photo to show me! This little guy might stay around awhile since we are to have another snowstorm tonight and into tomorrow. Snow can be very fun!
I am happy to be home back posting and visiting. Hope you have a few new poems!
Dear Mary,
It is good to travel east, it is good to travel west but it is always best to travel home!
It was a zip-zap-zip trip. Normally we are gone for two or three weeks so this really was a quickie.
My son was great with the birds and my plants. Plus he managed the Christmas lights. I usually hire a house sitter so he saved me all sorts of money and concerns.
Being with my daughter was so very wonderful. Words cannot begin to describe the joy of being with her. She is a fantastic woman. I respect her very much. Not only is she intelligent and funny but she is intuitive and creative. Being with her always inspires me to be creative.
I already miss her!
You have such a way with words, and photos. Thank you and welcome home.
"It is good to travel.
It is good to return home."
That about sums it up. Glad you had a safe and happy trip, and that your airport delays weren't too bad.
Love your cardinals.
Welcome Home Dear One!
I'm so happy you are home and had a wonderful time with your daughter! And! How nice of your son to care take the birds, plants and home.
Many blessings come from travels, it will be lovely to experience them with you in photos and sharing...
Much love,
Welcome back, Sherry :-) I am so pleased you had a wonderful time. Nice to relax and know that everything is being taken care of :-)
Welcome home! So happy you had a wonderful time & were greeted with your son, birds and snowman on your return :-}
Welcome back! Loved seeing more pictures and reading your wonderful words.
Dear Laurie,
Thank you! I do not write very much always hoping the photos do most of the talking.
Hope you had a nice Holiday.
We are finishing up 2007 and planning for a fun 2008!
Hope to share the fun with you.
Dear Marvin,
Yep! LOL! Giving myself all the time I need makes for a relaxing day of travel with or without delays.
Lots of Cardinals. More today with the snow.
I will settle in soon and the birds and I will get back into our routine. Now that the days are growing longer I only have a couple of months before butterflies.
I have plan for 2008, lots and lots of fun!
Dear Sprite,
I am very pleased that all went well at home while I was away. Knowing our son was taking care really put my mind to rest. I was able to enjoy every minute in Portland.
Travel always changes me in some way. Often I do not know the change until much later I realize I see the world a bit differently.
The Pacific Northwest is an area of the country that is very different from my home, here in the mid-west. I love the differences.
We will share and laugh and have so much fun!
I am looking forward to 2008!
Dear Chris,
Thank you! It is good to be home. It is very nice to travel knowing home is being tended to with loving hands.
It was a strange twist how our son came just before we were leaving! Knowing he was here really made my time away relaxful.
We have plenty of time to visit with him too which is extra nice.
I like the idea of Winter Holiday!
Everyone needs a little break in December!
Hope you are enjoying your Holiday.
Dear Deb,
The little snowman is so cute!
My son is a very kind and loving man. He also saved me a snowball from the snow I missed.
My motto for 2008 is going to be, "Fun-fun-fun!" I know how to have joy now for fun.
Let's have fun together.
Dear Sue,
Thanks! It is good to be home.
I was a bit late getting slide up today. I have been sleeping in...oh well!
These are Cardinal days. I hope to be able to come visit soon and catch up with your poetry. I always am delighted by your art.
I am not one who like to travel but do enjoy getting home! Love all your photos as always! Keep up the great work!
Dear Monarch,
Travel can be hard work! The tiny seats on the airplane always give me a backache. I enjoy coming home and haveing a massage.
So many Cardinals. I have never seen so many at one time.
Winter birds are so joyful.
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