I enjoyed seeing my neighbor's Magnolia tree.

My spirits are high!
My bee box arrived!
My new Bee book was also in the mail.
Although I do not feel very good I am very happy.
I can see I will want lots of bee boxes.
I think I will be able to make these.
I can see I will want lots of bee boxes.
I think I will be able to make these.
Bee careful and don't over do. I will bee wonderful to see bees using the bee box.
I do hope your illness is passing, & you can be (bee) up & about again.
A striking Magnolia, I do love them!
Oh, do keep us posted on the bee box Sherry. Aren't the magnolias magnificent?
Dear Lisa,
I am taking it easy. Not too much for me to do until it stops raining. I was so excited when I saw the bee box! I think I will make a few. These look very easy to do. My husband is a carpenter by trade so he has wood pieces and knows the how to's. I have my own power drill, LOL!!
It will be fun to see if any Orchard Mason Bees find the box.
I am so very pleased to finally be doing something like this. The Orchard Mason Bees are gentle and so easy to take care of. I am following Cheryl's lead here.
Sherry, a Bee person
Dear Meggie,
I do feel better today, thank you!
I knew the weather was going to change and rain was in our forecast for the rest of the week! I wanted to get a few pictures of my neighbor's Magnolia just in case all the blooms were knocked off my wind and rain!
I also think they are beautiful trees. So often in my area we lose the blooms to a cold snap. We still can have freezing temps until the middle of May!
I am very smitten with the bee!
Dear Jayne,
I will let you know if any bees find my box! I think they will. I have seen Orchard Mason Bees in my yard many years. After these rains finish I will put my Bee box up.
I also am looking for early spring blooming native bushes for the bees.
My neighbor has an apple tree! It is not in bud yet.
According to what I have been reading the bees wake up about the time dandilions begin to bloom. I have seen a couple so it is time to hang my box!
I think your neighbour's magnolia is a deeper shade than ours. It is beautiful. The bee box in interesting. Stay warm and dry and get well soon.
Dear Sherry
I hope you are feeling better!
Your wonderful new bee box should help with the spirits part :-} It is fantastic! Our friends (who have a farm) keep bees and with apple trees on their land, they produce the most wonderful apple honey. Yum!
Hi Sherry....Lovely bee box, it will soon have little mason bees working around the unit. They are so beautiful, you will not be disappointed.
I do hope you feel better soon,
My best wishes always
Dear Chris,
The magnolia in my neighbor's yard is very pretty. I am glad I get to watch it. We are having a rainy cold day. I am reading my new bee book. It is very interesting. Cheryl introduced me to the Orchard Mason Bee. They are native to my area too. I am wanting to learn about all the different types of bees. I am very excited.
The rains have bent lots of the daffoldils. It looks as if I will have a few big bouquets for the tables once the rains stop.
I am feeling better just tired. Hope my engery comes back soon.
Hi Q,
Have you seen the habitat tower over at my place, might be something you might want to do.
Cheers Mark
The bee boxes are wonderful, and easy to make. We have been using them for many years, and need to clean them out once in awhile.
I really think they are very helpful for pollination in the garden.
Sometimes, the mud daubber wasps like to use them too.
Dear Deb,
I am still under the weather. I think the cold, damp outdoors is part of the reason. Thank goodness for the bee box and the bee book. My spirits are up even tho I do not feel very good. My husband hung my empty box so I hope as soon as the Orchard Mason Bees emerge they will find my box! These bees do not make honey, they are pollinators. I hope your friend's hives have not suffered like so many of the honey bee hives. The mites that have caused the hive collapse problem seems to be world wide.
The Orchard Mason Bee is very well suited to the apple tree.
I do love the bees.
Dear Cheryl,
Thank you for your encouragement!
Keeping the Orchard Mason Bees is much easier than hives. Plus I love that the Mason Bees are native to my area! There are lots of different native bees too.
I still love the Honey Bee and the Bumblebee!
I seem to feel better in the mornings and begin feeling tired by mid-afternoon.
Not sure what is going on for me. This evening I feel feverish again...
Darn it!
If the sun comes out tomorrow I do want to get outside. I miss being outside.
Thank you for your friendship!
Dear Mark,
Thank you! I went and saw your very cool habitat tower. I could do something like that in my backyard. My husband has brought home all sorts of builder's left overs from buildings he has put up. Right now we are talking about taking some 8x8 cedar block pieces
and making them into Bee Houses. I think we could use them as is and maybe add a roof? Not sure yet. I am still reading the Bee Book. I want my husband to read it so he can get the holes the right depth and width and all of that. I do like the idea of growing on top the habitat!
Hope you put a few Mason Bee Boxes up too! The kids would enjoy watching the bees.
Dear Cyndy,
I just read the chapter about cleaning the boxes out each year after the bees have emerged. I think putting a new box up is a good idea. Sort of a tag team nesting system. I will see how I do this year and if any bees find my box! I hope so!
I have always wanted to be a bee keeper and the Orchard Mason Bees are just perfect!
Looking forward to reading your journal.
So nice to meet another bee person!
I also have always wanted to learn how to spin! Maybe one of these days I will get a spinning wheel. Or a loom would be great! I love threads and fibers...
Hi Sherry,
Hope you are feeling better :)
I am allergic to bee stings, so, no playing with them for me :(
Dear Mel,
Oh dear, you must bee careful!
The Orchard Mason Bees do not sting! I have a girlfriend that is very allergic to bee stings too.
She likes to watch my birds from the inside during the sping and summer!
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