A pair of Orchard Orioles came in.

I set up another jelly bowl.
There are two male Baltimore Orioles and two females.

I set up another jelly bowl.
There are two male Baltimore Orioles and two females.

The female Rose-breasted Grosbeaks have also arrived.
I have not take their photos yet.

I am packing up April's treasures and cleaning the house.
I am making my notes and my plans.
May Day is just around the corner.
Tomorrow I will make my May baskets.
Tomorrow I will make my May baskets.
Your garden birds are so colourful, they must make flashes of light as they flit around your garden. May is almost here and the weather should be kinder to us :-) We will soon be sprinkling seeds.
Jelly. I must put out jelly. Orioles are in the parks here but I haven't seen nor heard one in our garden. I blame everything that seems different about the garden bird-wise on the fact that we lost our huge pine trees. It feels naked in the back garden.
Who do you make May baskets for? What do you put in them?
Waaaaaaaa.... I am trying not to be jealous, but.... waaaaaaaa! ;c)
May already!
Where has the year gone..!
The birds in their glorious colours are a welcome addition to garden that have yet to flower fully.
We are getting more birds, I'm just not quick enough..!
I wonder if Mrs. Tiggywinkle would do my ironing..?
Dear Chris,
Oh yes, they do make "flashes of light as they flit " around my gardens. There are lots and lots of birds here too. I am used to seeing wings. Plus there is lots of color in my trees and bushes and on the ground!
I realized yesterday I need more blue in my gardens. Maybe the Blue Birds will come or the darling Indigo Buntings. That would be very nice. I would not mind setting up another feeding station for them!
I am looking forward to seed sprinkling! I have not sowed any seeds yet. Too cold!
Our danger of frost is over
May 1st. This past week we flirted with freezing.
It has been a very lovely Spring this year. The blooms are holding on and I am so happy. Not like last year!!!
The butterflies should be out today since it is to warm up.
Bird songs and butterfly wings,
Sherry, who dances with the bees
Dear Lisa,
I have seen so many different birds on the jellies. I do not put out the grape jelly until it is Oriole time. I think you will be very pleased with how many birds you will see. It is very yummy stuff.
Losing the big Pines would make a huge difference! I bet it does feel naked. I have lost old, big trees before and know the pain of it. I have two Pines in my front yard. I know the birds use them as shelter.
The Orioles do like the open space, so they can see, so maybe you can find a spot for a jelly bowl and a few oragnges.
I make the May baskets for my friends that come to my house in May. I put soil and flowers and line my walk with May baskets. When different friends come over in May I offer a basket for them to take to their house and plant in their gardens. They can plant the basket with the flowers or just sit the basket on their porch.
Come Memorial Day I take any remaining May baskets to the cemetery. We have a large family that my husband and I decorate the graves for.
I am not sure what I will put in my May baskets this year. I am planning to go to a nursery this morning and plant my baskets this afternoon. I will see what the nursery has.
My bringing in the May is a little different. LOL!
I did a post about May Day and May baskets a couple of years ago.
It is fun to do.
I would fix a basket for you if we lived a wee bit closer to each other.
Have fun.
Happy May!
Dear Jayne,
You have lots of beautiful birds too! LOL!!
I need blue in the gardens...
Please send a Blue Bird couple or a few Indigo Buntings!!!
The Painted Grosbeaks are very colorful. The Blue Grosbeaks are nice too.
As it is all I have are Blue Jays for my blue.
Dear Sheila,
Seeing the birds is a joy. I have been somewhat involved keeping the feeders full and clean. Have not taken as many pictures as I want. I am hoping to be on photographs soon.
Getting April packed up and May things out did take a couple of days.
I still have my May linens to iron up. I can ask Mrs. Tiggywinkle when she is finished here if she will come up to your house.
In May the fairies help out around my house.
It is almost May....my new favorite month.
You have the loveliest, most colourful birds visit your garden Sherry. I must put out jelly bowls :-} Of course, they will become peanut butter and jelly treats for the squirrels no doubt:-}
How fun to celebrate May Day! Please post your baskets.
Very nice.
Jealous in NC,
Dear Deb,
The squirrels do come to the jellies and lick!
I think you will enjoy watching all the different birds that come to the grape jelly.
I put out lots of fruit too. The birds like grapes and cherries!
Feeding the birds is so fun.
Happy May, Deb,
Dear Saucy,
Hi! I have not heard from you for so long! Hope you are feeling well.
I will post a photo or two of my May baskets for you!
They are fun to do.
Happy May,
Sherry, who is bring in the May
Dear Mary,
Get jelly! The birds love it.
The Orioles do not know N.C. is out of their range. They COULD come. Anything is possible.
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