The Full Flower Moon is tonight.
I will take a moon bath.
Today I walk with Black Swallowtails.
It is windy and warm.

The Spring
Asures flit in the grass.
Birds, bugs and blooms......
Moon beams......
these are a few of my favorite things!
Happy Full Flower Moon.
My husband and I looked at the moon from our bedroom window last night, it was so beautiful.
Your butterfly is exquisite, such a beautiful colour.......we have had very few. The temps have dropped really low especially at night. Day temps have been what we would have in November.
Strange weather this year to say the least.
A beautiful post Sherry.
We saw the moon through the trees from the bay window, last night. I think I'll try for a photo tonight. The sky has cleared, since this morning.
The Butterfly photos are beautiful, Sherry!
We're having great patio weather!
Dear Cheryl,
I love laying on the bed and watching the moon too. My husband took this picture last night while I was baking muffins. Tonight I will sit out on the deck at moon rise and sip my tea and make my wish.
We are just starting to warm up enough for butterflies! It has been a cool spring here too. I have enjoyed it.
You have had very strange weather. We had strange and damaging weather last year.
So glad to see the wisteria is reblooming for you. Climate change has affected my gardens too.
thank you.
Have a delightful week in your gardens. I hope for a wee bit of rain soon.
I see lots of butterflies about, but I can never get any photos of them! You must be very quick! They are lovely.
Too bad that the full moon can't give off a little heat tonight. It's going be a cold night in my area. In two weeks it's going be June already.
Then again I shouldn't complain the cold, next week it could be in the 90s
We have a thunderstorm going on right now. I should get off the computer but here I am reading posts. I would love to see the moon. Maybe tomrrow night.
Love the butterflies this time of the year! Full moon already? Maybe that is why we had some snow today! Ugg I did say we had snow today! Ugg
Did you see my little Summer Azure? I thought of you...
I know you are in heaven :o)
There are four Qs in my word verification.
Beautiful butterfly photos. Some clouds have moved in here, but I'm getting a few peeks at that full moon.
I love the full moon and butterflies and you~
Love Jeanne
Beautiful flutterbys!
Happy Full Flower Moon Sherry.
Your butterfly photos are gorgeous.
Good Morning Pat,
She is a beautiful Moon.
My husband and I sat outside in the moon light last night. I think soaking up Moon beams is good for the skin.
It has been perfect patio weather.
My husband cleaned the patios and I immediately put more bird seed out!
I shall pop over to your porch and see if a Moon photo is up!
Having the butterflies back is very thrilling to me.
Bird songs and butterfly wings,
Dear Meggie,
I sometimes get lucky!
I do enjoy the butterflies. I find if I stay back and zoom in I do not bother the butterflies and I can get pretty good pictures. As the season unfolds the butterflies seem to become less skittish.
Dear Cathy,
Oh dear it is cold at your house!!!
Snow I heard and frost???
Such silly weather.
You are right it could be 90 degrees next week. My daughter lives in Portland, Oregon, and they had 99 degrees last week...a heat wave...
climate change is here.
We all need to be very aware of our care of the Earth. Hope you are feeling better.
Sending butterflies to cheer you,
Dear Lisa,
I could use a spot of rain!!
I have seeds to plant and I would love to have some rain soaked soils to sow them in.
We know she is shining down on your gardens right through the clouds....
Dear Tom,
Oh my goodness! Snow?? NO??
It is so late in the year for snow!!!
The butterflies will be out in your woods as soon as the SNOW melts.
I think I would cry if it snowed on my flowers this year.
Be brave...snow?? YIKES!
Dear Mary,
I did see your Summer Azure!!! So sweet. I was going to say something but I read someone else had let you know who your darling was. They are tiny too.
Was it exciting to download and see you did really get an in focus great picture of her??
I am always thrilled when the little ones come out.
You do know how much I love the butterflies.
Ahhh....QqQq anyway you look at them they spell happy.
Dear Marvin,
Thanks. I do love taking pictures of butterflies.
My husband and I watched the moon last night rise out of the clouds. It was spectacular!
Dear Jeanne,
You are so kind!
Bird songs, butterfly wings and happy moon beams to you and yours.
Dear Jayne,
The butterflies do thrill me!
Dear Deb,
Thank you.
I wished on her as she rose last night.
Hope your gardens are full of butterlfies this summer.
Such lovely butterflies! We haven't had any yet, but it's been much too cool this spring.
A full moon may be an ominous sign in folklore, but I think they're beautiful, too.
Aww; Sherry. These are simply magnificant and magestic at the same time! Love your husband's shot of the moon as well. It's staying light so much here now that I don't have the sense to come in from yard work until well after 9:00 p.m. I am enjoying being out of doors. I'll be sure to check out the moon tonite. Thank you for reminding me to. Vikki
dear Rose,
The sun will warm things up for you soon and the butterflies will come out again.
I have enjoyed our cool spring. do hope it rains soon.
The Moon is always beautiful!
Dear Vikki,
I bet you are loving the light again! I understand how hard it is to come inside. I stay out as long as I am able too. Come July it will be too hot in the afternooon for me to be outside.
Hope you are able to get some butterfly pictures!
Q . . . . so many comments, WOW! I just love your butterfly shots and isn't it nice seeing the bright moon!!
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