The cemetery across the street from my house
has a parade of flags each Memorial Day.

The streets are lined with over 2600 flags.
Each flag represents a soldier buried in this 130 acre cemetery.
has a parade of flags each Memorial Day.
The streets are lined with over 2600 flags.
Each flag represents a soldier buried in this 130 acre cemetery.
When I went out this morning the flags were already flying.
I was concerned when I heard thunder.
By noon the flags were wet.
I was concerned when I heard thunder.
By noon the flags were wet.
My Red Poppies opened in the rain.
These are the poppies I think of when I read Flander's Field.
Today I learned the history of the Buddy Poppy.
My husband I placed peonies on the family graves yesterday.
We remember.
A lovely post always your beautiful words capture a moment and make it more meaningful.
I always remember, too. I bought Gina and Billy (former Marine) an American Flag for their home yesterday.
How nice that you can enjoy the parade from your home. I thank God for all the soldiers through out history for our wonderful way of life.
Wonderful post and it is so important for us to remember. Happy Memorial day!
Dear Cheryl,
Thank you. The last living veteran of World War I was in my city this past weekend. We have a large W.W.I memorial snd museum, the only one in the U.S. I did not attend the ceremony honoring him. He is over a hundred years old. I did watch some of the event on the news. I thought it was very fitting we had a light rain shower.
I too cry for all the people who have died in war.
I so wish humans would stop fighting and learn to live in harmony. I am war weary.
Dear Mary,
A very nice gift you gave them.
We posted our flag on Sunday for a little while. Monday it rained off and on all day. My flag is old and getting tattered.
We remember together.
Dear Lisa,
When I wake up on Memorial Day I open the front door and look out across the street. Seeing all the flags is awesome. It is my sign that summer is here.
I am a pacifist. I understand the why of war. I think humans can evolve. It would be nice to see people resolve conflict in a peaceful and kind way. I think it begins with respect.
Today I recommit myself to non-violence. I am a hippy at heart!
Make love not war. At least plant seeds!
Dear Tom,
Thank you. This is my third Memorial Day post. I always think my kids will enjoy the flags.
I liked reading the history of the Buddy Poppy. I was very pleased when my red Poppies began to open. Just in time too!
I have lots and lots of Doves...maybe next year I will do a Dove post!
Happy Memorial Day!
Happy summertime,
A lovely commemoration...
Dear Mari-Nanci,
If I was President I would have a parade of all the flags of all the countries from all times in my Memorial Garden. I would lay a wreath at the base of each flag pole for all the unknown soldiers from all the wars. If I was president.....
Thank you,
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