Mockingbird came for his raisins.
He seemed tired.
It is a busy time for him and his mate,
I understand.
I thought now would be a good timeHe seemed tired.
It is a busy time for him and his mate,
I understand.

to give the pep talk.
I talked about how important it was for Mockingbird
to be sure and chase the Starlings out of the yard.
Once those youngsters begin coming to the deck the raisins will be gone.
I can keep the raisins stocked for him and the Robins
but the Starlings are too numerous.
He seemed to understand.
At least he sat for a bit and relaxed.
Dang! He DOES look tired. I'm glad you were able to have a chat.
Q, love your Mockingbird and at times our birdies get tired at times also! Glad you took the opportunity to get closer!
What a sweet set of photos Sherry. You can clearly see that the Mockingbird was tired. You captured his experssions so good.
It's hard work keeping his mate and chicks fed. I'm glad he stopped by for a break and a chat with you..!
What adorable photos of sweet Mockingbird. I love to see the birds sitting & relaxing, knowing they feel safe in their surroundings.
Sherry.....I love this little bird, he almost answered you.
Dear Lynne,
Mockingbird is very funny!
He just sat down when I started my chatting.
I laughed so hard.
Dear Tom,
Yes, Mr. Mocker has babies to feed...when he sat down on the rail I started laughing. I try and make his life easier by providing as mmuch food as possible. He does like bugs and has to get those on his own.
I feel as if I have real relationships with some of the backyard birds. Mockingbird is my friend.
Dear Lisa,
I did not want to burden him too much with Starling duty. He di seem very tired! He did make me laugh too.
Dear Shelia,
I read a very intersting book about the lives of the birds. Birds are very busy and each activity takes loads of energy!
He is a good Mockingbird. I really like this bird.
Dear Deb,
Me too! When ever I see a bird preening or bathing I think they feel safe. Once in awhile I get to be with them when they rest. It is a great honor to be so close and for them to trust me.
Dear Cheryl,
I think he would like me to chase the Starlings or at least make sure he has plenty of raisins!
I consider Mockingbird my friend. I hope he feels the same towards me.
That second picture is too funny! He doesn't look tired in that pic just annoyed.
Thanks for the laugh.
Dear Cathy,
Mockingbird is a funny fellow!
He makes me laugh right out loud!
The birds are tired, I know. My mockingbirds still look at me and look for me. I watch them wrestling an grasshopper and I know I need to open my restaurant soon. Next weekend, I think.
Dear MAry,
You will be glad the Starlings and Grackles have moved on.
I bet the song birds miss you.
How are the hummers?
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