While shopping in the bookstore last night,
looking for books on millinery,
my husband found this periodical.

I am smitten! I shall subscribe.
I have learned so much from this magazine already!
I never knew about qiviuk, the underwool on an animal.
Nor did I ever think about the Yak or the Muskox.

The article about a rare guanaco herd on the southwest coast of Wales
introduced me to this fantastic camelid.
looking for books on millinery,
my husband found this periodical.

I am smitten! I shall subscribe.
I have learned so much from this magazine already!
I never knew about qiviuk, the underwool on an animal.
Nor did I ever think about the Yak or the Muskox.

The article about a rare guanaco herd on the southwest coast of Wales
introduced me to this fantastic camelid.
I want to feel some of this reknowed fiber.
Fishguard, Uk looks to be an interesting place to visit.

The largest flock of Black Welsh Mountain Sheep
in North America is in Colorado.
Desert Weyr is a sustainable small ranch that provides
fantastic fleece for spinners and knitters.
Maybe even this felter will aquire some Black Welsh Mountain Sheep fiber.
I never thought about Black Welsh Mountain Sheep
before today.
I did not question what type of sheep I have.
I am smitten with fiber.
I am wild for wool.
I shall be thinking of a name for my sheep.
I think she is an ewe. Any suggestions?
What a fun word to say, "Ewe".
Yes, I am smitten, head over heels and over the rainbow!
Lots of fascinating information Sherry......we are all learning from you......
I must drive to a farm near here.....I have seen some unusual animals there that have the long coats.....I will go and take a photograph for you, just as a point of interest......
I am sure that little sheep is a ewe......Florence...the felters ewe........
Dear Cheryl,
Thank you!!
You know more about these things than I. I am a city girl...all the way! Florence the Felter's Ewe, is perfect...I shall comb her fleece and get to know her wool. I will make her a blanket with her name embroidered on it. Maybe this could be my first Stumpwork project!
The study of fiber is involved! I love that. I bet all these new ways will dove-tail together. I bet there are birds that are in relationship with the ewes!
Do let me know what you learn about the animals on the farm. We can do some research.
It would be so nice if organic fibers were available for you so close by.
There is so much to learn....
We learn from each other.
Thank you,
Your ewe is sweet. It looks like a rainbow fell over its neck.
I have seen the Muskox in AK. I have also seen the work of the native Alaskans with the Quiv (sp). I can't spell it but I have seen it. It is the softest fiber I have ever felt, and warm.
Oh Sherry! You have taught me something today as well! I did not know about the qiviut either. It looks fantastic. I love Cheryl's name for your dear sheep. Florence. Lovely. I can't wait to learn more from you about fibers. I think we may grow wild about fiber with you!
cheryl beat us to the punch but i love "florence" too you could always call her flo for short. my mother's name is iris florence. she is now know as gigi for great grandmother. i think this whole fabric thing is so exciting. i love texture and texiles too. i love feeling something/ i love to touch art, walls, fabric etc... texture is what makes life interesting. have fun discovering!
Florence sounds perfect. I was thinking of something like Blackberry or Mystie. I must be thinking of cats names!
Wow - you've opened a whole world of interesting facts about fiber, wool and weaving. And fun!
Dear Lisa,
I love this little ewe! I made a tiny scarf for her from a left over overscrap of my striped felted wool. A blanket would be very fun to do.
I need to get away from my city more and get out with the animals.
Now that I am smittem with fiber I just might do that!
There is so much to learn.
Dear Mimi,
I think the qiviut is so interesting. A new store is opening in New York City that will carry qiviut fiber clothing. I bet it will be successful.
I bought a lovely 100% Tibet yak wool shawl last summer. I am looking forward to wearing it. Perhaps Madeline would model it for us.
Winter for me is a good time for study.
Being wild for fiber with you makes the study so very fun.
We are on an adventure...
Into the wilds for fiber.
Dear Marmee,
Textiles are incredible. I too love to touch. The tactile sensory is as delicious as sight or sound or smell. I love to close my eyes and feel a fiber.
Florence is a perfect name for the ewe...Flo when she is being casual around Hannah and Madeline. Before long I will have a household full of friends. I am not sure what Florence will do besides watch over all the wool. Maybe that will be enough.
I can see that you have a new passion and one to do with Nature and her natural gifts. Wool close to my heart every winter! Staying warm wrapped in wool!
Dear Anna,
I am wild about wool!It is the best for a felter like me, but I also am learning about the fleeces of other animals. Cashmere is deliciuos too. It is from goats...it also felts nicely. Last week I made a head wrap from felted black cashmere. The hat is warm and soft and beautiful.
In the winter I shall be near Mother when I work with her wools....and drink my herb teas.
Maybe I can visit an Alpaca farm!
Stay warm,
I didn't know about any of those things either. I admit I'm not into wool, but as an animal lover, it was interesting.
Oh, Sherry!
Your enthusiasm made me giggle! Not in a bad way at all, and I thank you for it. We all need more laughter in our lives.
And interesting facts, to boot!
Thank you for being you.
Dear Marnie,
Animal fibers are interesting. I live in the city and do not have room in my back yard for a sheep or an Alpaca. I think I will do some reasearch and see if there are breeders near my house. I would love to go straight to the breeder for fiber.
So much to learn. I have never even petted an Alpaca. My daughter loves them and goes to an Alpaca show every year.
There is also the Vicuna..a darling little animal. I think I could come up with enough room for a pair of them to live in my backyard....I do not think the birds would mind.
Dear Judy,
I am so glad my enthusiasm comes through. I never know, with the silent screen, if others can hear my excitment.
I do make all sorts of gleeful sounds as I read and look at pictures.
Life is very interesting....I love to laugh and giggle and be smitten. I love to fall in love.
I am a true lover too...once in love always in love.
Thank you for sharing in the joy of fiber....
I think we will have a fun winter.
Sherry-Check this out (it's in Kansas south of Topeka)...
They had a felting workshop in October but maybe in the spring...another one? :-) I have a friend who attended the spinning workshop. She LOVED it and has fiber friends for life. I can see you getting involved with spinning too. :-)
Some interesting thoughts about fibers..."Ewe" is also fun word to read!
I visited the Wild Fibers website - wow! What a beautiful looking magazine.
I've been tempted to start a llama or alpaca farm, or even a mill. It's being pushed in Ohio.
I probably won't do it - but one can dream, can't one?
I like Ewe, almost as much as I love the faces of those Guanacos.
Dear Maria,
Thank you! Very cool. I would love to learn how to spin!!
I need a studio....
Fiber friends??? I too want fiber friends!
You are my fiber friend...
Hugs and wool,
Dear Chris,
There are so many words I have never spoken. The other evening when I was talking with my son I told him about the little ewe..I do think it was the first time in my life I had spoken the word.
I do not live in sheep country, nor do I know any shepherds.
Rams, ewes and lambs...great words.
I am hypnotized from visions of wool dancing in my head.
Dear ICQB,
It is a beautiful magazine. I subscribed for two years.
It would be a fantastic adventure to raise Alpaca. It is a dream my daughter has too.
I would love to have a pair of Vicunas. I have a small backyard!
They are so cute...
I think if I cannot raise the animals at least I can buy the fibers.
That helps the people that do raise them.
I too am dreaming,
Dear Mary,
Oh my goodness the Guanacos are so charming. I would love to see them up close.
The ewe is cute too. Very quiet and well mannered. I let Florence, the felter's ewe, stay indoors with all the wool. I think she is more comfortable than outside in the wilds of the backyard.
Fibers are fun!
Ewes are fun too.
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