This morning I made sure they had plenty of seed and water.
I hung a few extra suet cakes in the trees.
The Gold Finches have a sweet call.
They flew about and watched as I refilled their feeder.

A flock of Robins came to the deck for raisins.
They remind me spring will come in the right time.
They are birds of hope and cheer when the skies are grey and dull.

Today I am inside.
Today I am reading and writing.
I am visiting with friends on the telephone.
A pot of soup simmers on the stove.
Once again Winter Solstice has come.
Once again I celebrate the return of light.
Another snow storm is heading my way.
I lit a candle for those that are traveling.
Be full of care.
Once again I celebrate the return of light.
Another snow storm is heading my way.
I lit a candle for those that are traveling.
Be full of care.
Wishing you the best this Christmas Season, Sherry!
Thanks for that lit candle...We arrived safely to CT from NC....long drive to visit the family for Christmas...
Happy Holidays to you and your birdies...
I am glad you are safe and warm, Sherry. Your bird photos are lovely as always. I can't believe you saw robins at this time of year. They truly are birds of hope. A first sign of spring up here in Canada.
I too lit candles and put them on my kitchen windowsill last evening to symbolically light the way for travellers (not many could see them since my kitchen faces my backyard).
Happy Solstice - and let's welcome in the Light.
Love & Light,
Isn't it amazing how the birds can survive being out in this awful cold?? We are so blessed with our warm houses and food aplenty. Enjoy your books.
It's cold and snowy here in Nebraska, too. I can't keep warm, either.
I am surprised to see a robin there in the winter. We won't see any until late February or early March.
You have a wonderful way of taking pics of birds!
Happy holidays,
Amazing to see a robin, They so remind me of spring. I enjoyed your photos. Happy winter solstices. So glad you are safely tucked in the house. It has been cold. I have been hibernating and recovering from the flue or something.
The Winter Solstice was very cold here too, but we were blessed with sunshine all day. That was more than enough compensation for the short day and single-digit temperatures overnight.
Now is is warmer -- though still belong freezing -- and they say we will receive freezing rain. Winter!
Beautiful shots of your birds. I especially enjoyed the female cardinal. Thank you.
Hola acabo de descubrir tu blog, me encantan tus fotografías sobre todo los pájaros. Mi jovi es la pintura y tengo algunos cuadros de pájaros que parecen fotografías...
Te felicito por tu labor. Espero que no tengas problemas a la hora de leer mi comentario. Estaré pendiente de las entradas...
Hasta pronto.
You take some of the most amazing photos of these birds! I'm impressed. :)
What a gift it must be to feed these birds and see them come up close to the house. I get amazed how they get along just fine as cold as it is.
Have a Merry Christmas. :)
Dear Pat,
Happy Christmas!
I was thinking of you last week when I did up a lucheon table with pink and green, block optic, depression glass dishes. My Christmas colors are pink and green. Pink roses are my flowers...
Hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas.
Dear Dawn,
I am so happy you arrived safe and sound. There are many traveling this Holiday season and the weather seems to be very wet and cold! Glad you are tucked in for a few days. Enjoy your visit.
Dear Wendy,
I always think when I light a candle the light shines for those that need it! I was so tickled to know you also do this. I send out my safe wishes too.
Robins stay all Winter. I see them off and on in the backyard. They still are birds of the Spring for me and bring hope for milder weather.
Happy Solstice to you too. I am celebrating the light and the hope for a prosperous 2009.
Happy Christmas,
Dear LIsa,
It is amzaing! They are so tiny and yet seem to get along just fine as long as they can find food and water.
I read too fast!
I see a pair of Robins in the Crab tree this morning, looking right at me. I think they need raisins.
Stay warm and enjoy the Holidays.
Dear Sue,
Thank you. I love taking pictures of the birds.
I thought a Robin would be fun and hopeful! Many are feeling the cold and the deep snow! Here we are, just before Christmas, and so many families are traveling. I hope all are safe.
May you enjoy your Christmas with loved ones.
Yes, spring will come, but it won't be soon. We may as well enjoy the snow and warm fireplace;)
Merry Christmas
beautiful photography
Dear does look so cold......the birds need you.....this time is hard for them....
It has been incredibly mild here.......I have been gardening......and getting ready for Christmas.......the cold weather returns tomorrow.......
We took the grandchildren to Hamley's today......Mr P treated them.....we had breakfast was wonderful. Mr P and Riley went of to buy boys things.
Poppi and I went to visit fairies.....I bought her the most beautiful fairy is the palest pink and lilac and covered in silk flowers........
We then went to a Christmas fair at Hyde was fact I have had the most beautiful.....
Stay warm Sherry........and have fun........
Merry Christmas. I am sure the warmth of the Holiday season shall warm your heart and home.
It is a great pleasure to have met your blog.It is tooooo good for words.Thanks for sharing.Wishing you advance a
Merry Chirstmas and a happy new year.
we have had unusally cold weather here too. the last couple of days in the in the low forties. we are all trying to stay in and finish last minute wrapping and finishing touches. we will have a big group for christmas eve dinner.
have a very merry christmas sherry!
I love your window. Stay very warm, Sherry.
Dear Grammy,
Our temperatures have been yo-yoing.
One day nitter cold and the next huge warm up only to plummet again. It is hard on my old body!
Hope you had a happy Christmas.
Dear Marvin,
Thank you. I try and follow your weather a wee bit. Like us you have the yo-yoing temperatures.
Hope you have a safe and prosperous new year.
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