I wanted to be out with the birds.
I wanted to feel the snow on my face too.
Yet, it was so cold.
Maybe later it will warm up.
It is my craft day.
I will work on my felted tree.
I met a new fiber friend last night.
She wore a felted hat while shopping.
She said it was to be a felted Christmas tree but it turned into a hat.
I understood.
There are no mistakes in felting only happy adventures.
oh those adorable little faces. they look so cute all fluffy trying to stay warm. beautiful shots sherry!
The female cardinal looks stunning in the snow......the little bird almost speaks to you......I can understand you wanting to feel the snow on your face.......I to have these urges......it is great to be us, is it not??
So glad you had time to spend with another felter........you will have an understanding.......
I love the fact the hat started out as a tree.......it made me smile.......
I love your posts Sherry.....don't ever stop 'Corner', I would have really bad withdrawal symptoms......
You got some wonderful pictures f the cardinals .We had the same thing here today and I had to run out to take pictures of our birds also. Cannot get enough of everyones snow pictures.
Snowy outside & warm indoors ~ sounds like a perfect crafting day!
Dear Marmee,
It is so cold!!!
I gave the birds extra treats. They fly about all puffed up too.
Thanks. I stayed in yesterday and played with feltting!
Dear Cheryl,
I do love being me and we! I guess I never really think about how it would be NOT to be one with the birds and the bugs. I love that you also are one with. There are not too many of us out there.
I am so happy to meet other fiber people. Emily had knitted a tree and felted it. When she finished her felting her tree did not look like tree, just a pointy hat...I thought it was darling. She was darling too. She knew all sorts of places I could go to find supplies. I think I might try to learn to knit next year...maybe next winter. I have lots of wool from the secondhand shop to do up first. Talking fiber is exciting. It is like talking gardens and birds and bugs...I would love to talk photography too...I have lots of interest.
I could never do without Corner. It is my online house! I do have my other rooms and I do walk but Corner is where I greet my friends and say,"Hello" to the world. Corner is my service and my joy.
I am so glad you enjoy coming over...I love reading your comments and knowing you are thinking of me. We are one.
Love and light,
Dear Hocking Hills Gardener,
The snow makes everthing look so pretty. I love to watch the birds when it is snowing. It was very busy in my backyard yesterday.
Thank you for coming by. Hope to see you again soon.
Dear Deb,
I think I shall have many of these days this winter. I have lots of wool to sew up so I do not mind. I am thinking in January I might do some altered look jackets and I would love to felt some gloves.
Are you sewing?
Sweet little birds. I can imagine you wanting to go out and play too! Our winters are so long. But felting and planting and photographing make it less harsh. Lots of creative things to do.
Dear Wendy,
I always want to be outside with the birds. I just love all the wings..
You are right, I have so many interests winter will be over before I know it and I will be outside with the bugs again.
I do miss the bees and the butterflies.
These are some of my favorite photos! I love your blog so much that I mentioned it on mine tonight! I know everyone would love to spend time here!
Dear Lavender Dreamer,
Thank you for mentioning Corner.It is very kind of you. I enjoy creating the photo essays.
The birds are a delight.
Hope you are staying warm and enjoying getting ready for Christmas.
you take wonderful bird photos. found your site at blotanical
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