The little birds were out this afternoon.
The Chick-a-dee's and Tufted Tit Mice came to the feeders for quick bites.

The Red Breasted Nuthatch has been coming to the nuts for a few days.The Chick-a-dee's and Tufted Tit Mice came to the feeders for quick bites.
This morning I saw a White Breasted Nuthatch in the back Ash tree.
It is so nice to have the Nuthatches back!
The Purple Finches travel in pairs.
The Carolina Wren has no fear.
He is the friendliest bird in the backyard!
I have caught a cold.
I have the sniffles.
Hot tea and birds are keeping me happy.
I may need to get extra rest to get healthy again.
A snow storm is coming in tonight.
Please take care and feel better soon! I love all the pictures! My hubby looks at your blog, too!
This will be a good time to hunker down with a cup of tea and just watch the world go by. Think healing thoughts Sherry I will be thinking these for you.
We haven't seen a Red-breasted nuthatch yet this winter. Maybe some will show up now.
Oh yes, do keep warm and cozy. I also was feeling as if I had a cold a couple of days ago. Felt shivery and strange. Sneezed for about half a day, and then it all went away!
I'm sending you healing thoughts so yours will go away too.
Lovely birds, as always. They do brighten up the day, don't they?
Love and Light
Healing Hugs
Snuggle and stay warm tonight, Sherry.
When you awake, those sweet birds will greet you and you'll feel better!
I'm waiting for the White-Breasted Nuthatches to return as well as the little Brown-Headed ones.
hope you are feeling better sherry after getting extra rest. your little birds are so handsome. thanks for sharing your joy even though you are under the weather.
Have a few and you'll feel better!
Thank you for posting and sharing the beautiful pictures of our little friends. We received quite a lot of snow overnight.
Time to shovel the driveway, feed the birds and take some pictures..
Cheers Gisela.
• Generous Pinch powdered cinnamon
• 4 cloves (whole)
• 1 1/2 oz. whiskey or brandy, rum, gin, or vodka
• 1 oz. sugar syrup or to taste
Boiling water
Cinnamon stick
Grated nutmeg
Lemon slice
Mixing instructions:
Warm a mug and add all ingredients, except nutmeg, and fill with boiling water.
Stir and top with grated nutmeg. Garnish with cinnamon stick, if you wish.
Any type of whiskey, rum, or brandy will make a good toddy. It is a matter of personal preference. I love rum!!!
Measurements are approximate, depending on how strong, sweet, or spicy you want your toddy to be.
The little Carolina wren is so sweet!
Hope your sniffles don't last. Have you ever tried lemon balm tea? It's mildly anti-viral and it helps you sleep at night.
I love the sounds the chick-a-dees and nuthatches make. We have them most of the year here.
Stay bundled up and warm!
Boy, that wren is bold!
I loved seeing your birds. That's one of my favorite ways to pass the day. Takes my mind off my problems.
Hope you are feeling better.
Dear Sherry.....Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell......stay drinks are good.....
Beautiful bird photographs.......lovely close up shots......I do really love the cardinal......we do not have anything like it here,as far as I know........
Sending lots of positive thoughts..........
Oh, dear Sherry. Do take care - hope you are feeling better already! Love the pictures.
Dear Lavender Dreamer,
Thank you! I am better. The birds and the sunshine really helped!
Glad you enjoy the photo essays. They are fun to do.
Dear Lisa,
The Nuthatches are back as are the Pine Siskins! The Nuthatches stay all winter the Siskins move on.
I tried to stay in but I just couldn't! It was so lovely withthe sun and the snow and the friend, who lives high in the mountains in Colorado, sits on a heating pad when she is outside in the cold. I tried, so wonderful. No need to wrap in two blankets.
Dear Wendy,
Thank you!Glad your cold was short lived! I still have a wee bit of congestion. I do great in the afternoon I am tired.
The birds really save the day for me.
Love and light,
Dear MAry,
When I saw the little Red-breasted I thought of you and your Brown headed Nuthatches. So cute. I think you might have snapped a Brown's bottom!
I am feeling better.
Thanks for your concern. You know how this goes...I do not like being sick!
Dear MArmee,
You are so very welcome. I do think attitude makes a huge difference in how I feel. Even tho I am sniffy I still can be joy filled.
Dear Gisela,
Thank you for the hot toddy recipe!
Sounds yummy!
You are so sweet to think of me.
I shall pop over and see your snow and your birds. It is exciting to have an event and be out with the birds...
It is sunny this morning and a tiny bit of snow remains....
I want to be outside.
Sear ICQB,
Thank you for reminding me of lemon balm. I used to grow it years ago...maybe it is time to do so again. I love having my herbs for teas in the winter.
Carolina Wren is a darling little bird. One of my favorites...well, I lov ethem all.
Dear Marnie,
Ten minutes outside with the birds and I am ready to tackle the next trouble. If the troubles get too big I need days of birding!
Glad you enjoyed these sweet hearts.
I am feeling much better. Thank you!
Dear Vikki,
The little Carolina Wren is very bold. He just scoots around the deck picking up seeds and nuts and berries. He is darling too. It can be 15 degrees out and he sings and sings. My heart is light when I hear him sing.
I too am delighted by the Nuthatches and Chickadees. I think they are so cute!
Stay warm and enjoy your holiday preperations. You get to come south soon! Yeah for that!
Dear Cheryl,
Thank you for the warm wishes. I do believe they helped me turn the corner! Being back in good health makes a huge difference in how much I am able to accomplish. We are to have cold next week so I hope to get the deck swept off today. The birds do make a mess.
Hope you and Mr. P. are feeling better too.
Love and light,
Dear Sue,
Thank you. Being dependent on the birds is okay with me! They are beautiful.
I am better. I know the good wishes from all my friends made the cold fly away rather quickly.
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