The Blue Morpho butterfly is considered,
by butterfly enthusiast,
to be the most beautiful butterfly.
I love all the butterflies.They all are beautiful.

I have fallen in love
with the creatures from the sea.
The underwater world is mysterious and so very beautiful.
I posted a slide show of my safari on Holiday.
Please join me.
Dear Sherry .....such wonderful colours.......being a Pisces (a water sign) I have a deep affinity with the sea. I love it, yet fear it......for me it is magical, secretive and inspirational.......
Those blue morphs look like they are artificial don't they. They put the BLUE in blue.
Dear Cheryl,
The sea is so very magical. Like you I find it kind of frightening.
Very beautiful creatures live in the sea.
I am inspired to go deep within when I meditate with the sea.
I am longing for blue...
The ocean is full of fantastic blues.
Calm, peace and joy,
Dear Lisa,
The Blue Morphos are big too!
They are very lovely and they do seem to have put the BLUE in least the "B"!
2009 is all about blue for me...
Blue skies, blue bells and sweet blue butterflies.
Maybe a Blue Bird will come and stay for more than a second too!
Ahhhh. Undersea. Always beautiful and captivating.
You must have had a wonderful time!
Blue is my favorite color! I visited your slide show on "Holiday"--no wonder you are so full of joy! The butterflies were amazing, and you captured so many beautiful images of the sea life. I liked the little exotic blue bird with the tuft on his head; I have no idea what kind of bird he is. This was the perfect way to spend a cold winter's day!
Sherry you have such wonderful photos!
Happy new year to you and yours.
Ah, everyone seems to really love the iridescent sheen the morpho has. I was really pleased to see another iridescent fave of mine, the emerald swallowtail, in your pictures.
Nice safari you took, I didn't know Omaha had a butterfly house, we've been to the one in Ames. Keep on chasing those butterflies!
I'm with Cheryl. I seem to be following her comments all over the place tonight - and agreeing with them!
I'm a water sign too (scorpio) and both love and fear (I call it respect)its depths and creatures.
Those blues are truly vibrant and beautiful.
Dear Mary,
I did have a great time. I loved the zoo. One of these days I will go in the summer when the Blue Penguins are out... I am wild and crazy for the Little Blue Penguins. They are also called Fairy Penguins....or I could go to New Zealand...
Dear Rose,
I am head over heels in love with blue... The bird you speak of had red was very strange looking. I did not see an identifing signboard.
I was fascinated by all the sea creatures. The bright colors of the tropical fish and the blue of the moon jelly fish were very wonderful. Learning how to take pictures in extream low light was interesting. My favorite sea creature is the sea dragon. I did not get any photographs suitable for publishing, even here on Corner. I will have to return with the tripod for those photos!
I enjoyed your photo essay of the botanical gardens. The beauty of the world astounds me. So hope in 2009 more care will be given to taking care of Mother Eart. She is depending on us!
Dear Dawn,
Thank you.
Happy New Year to you too, Year of the Ox!
Dear Mimi,
I think the Morpho is pretty but I also think all the butterflies are pretty. In my backyard I have the female Tiger Swallowtail in her black dress. I think she is the most beautiful butterfly in the world....ahhh...I miss her.
Dear Jules and Ken,
I did not know Ames, Iowa, had a butterfly house. I will do some research and see how many are around. I know Kansas City does not have one. I would be very supportive if they decided to put one in....I would be a butterfy house member...
Dear Wendy,
I totally respect the ocean. It is beautiful. I have a friend who is a scuba diver. She has seen many of the creatures in the wild. I do not like to get my head under water.
I think the ocean is incredible.
It looks like I missed some posts. What lovely creatures! I still like the butterflies and birds the best. The butterfly pic in this post is one of my favorites. Beautiful!
Dear Sue,
The blues of the Sea Creatures just drew me in.
This Blue Morpho is beautiful....all of Nature is beautiful....
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