A prelude to Spring
Tulips in January
I am contented.
Be a butterfly
Be a bird a bloom a bug
Be a bumble bee.
3 I am
5 happy
3 now.

3 Bundled and wrapped
5 with bells on my toes
3 I finally arrived!
Chase the cold away
write a loon or a haiku
a way to be green.
A beautiful post...
Your haikus and loons are quite the inpsiration today Sherry.
The arctic air flows
through the windows closed
I wrapped in wool
Minus two this morn
although the sun is shining
I will make chili
Have a great weekend Sherry. Keep warm.
I love your Haiku Friday post Sherry - what fun!
5 The icicles hang this morning
7 from the eaves of our neighbours hom
5 gripping with determination and strength.
I think I will be thinking of more Haiku poems today :-)
Thank you for your lovely Benny comment xo
dear sherry
this does not come easy but i like it.
sitting by fire
as cozy as can be
my soul soars.
my heart is a flame
with embers of a lover
sitting by my side.
i love the way the whole post was in prose.
Waking to the cold,
I Wish to stay in my bed
but must face it alone.
Hi Sherry.....such a beautiful post.....I find this all a little mysterious......
The air is damp
straight hair turns to curls
I need a hat
Have a fun weekend......
Oh yes, this is fun!
I will start with your first line:
Old Man Winter Blows
It freezes lips, nose, and toes
We wear winter clothes.
Now I'll try a loon:
3 I'ts cold out
5 I will eat hot soup
3 And play games
Winter winter go away!
Don't come back another day
At home we will stay.
That last one won't qualify for a haiku, but sounds more like a childrens' rhyme. I'll try again:
I do like this post
I'll go home and eat some toast
And cook carrots and pot roast
Woo hoo this sure chases winter blues!
Love & Light
Lovely Haiku!
love the Haiku . . :)
Sherry, What fun! I've never heard of a loon before, but I'll give it a try:
Black and White
Arrives at feeder, delighting me
A Downy Woodpecker!
I actually saw this woodpecker yesterday, and was excited to be able to identify it.
And today's scene:
Wind whips snow around
Covering the lane and drive
I'll stay in again.
Have a good weekend!
Dear Kanak,
Thank you. Welcome to Corner.
Looking forward to visiting your blog.
Dear Lisa,
Enjoy the chili!
This is very fun for me too. I will do a slide show at the end of the month...
Stay warm,
Dear Deb,
I am so happy you are enjoying this break from slide shows...I hope to make us a book!
The loons are fun!
I miss Benny too!
Dear Sherry your blog warms up my day and I would like to give you my 1st award! It awaits for you in my latest post!
This is fun!
An invitation to be sort of silly and creative, too!
I love to play with words.
Ah Sherry, your posts are always so lovely to read, & see. They are like healing balm for the soul.
Softly the snow falls
The birds wait expectantly
Soon they will be fed
My first one Sherry, thanks for the inspiration!
Dear Marmee,
You are a poet!
Thank you for these...
It is very fun to relax with the poem...to work with the letters and the words.
Such a green way to live, no waste.
Dear Scienceguy288,
Thank you! I am so tickled you shared a Haiku.
I hope it chased some of the cold away and made your step a bit lighter.
You gave me a nice long smile and a nod.
Dear Cheryl,
I will felt you a hat...something to keep the damp off...
Thank you for your poem.
They are fun to write.
Have a loon of a day!
Dear Wendy,
I am still laughing....I love going home and eating toast...
It is good for the soul to laugh!
You are delightful.
Thank you!
Dear Dawn,
I am so enjoying your warmth and your birds...
Thank you,
Dear Tom,
So good to hear from you.
Haiku is the best...quick and to the point. Nice way to be the bug too.
I shall come visiting. Did you get lots of snow and the deep freeze?
The birds have been heavy on the feeders. We are to have a few days of warmer temps, maybe I will be able to sweep spent seed shells.
The deck is a mess.
Dear Rose,
Fun ones! Thank you. Getting to know the different names is very grand. I feel it opends the door for relationships. The Downy is a favorite of mine...so cute. Mine like the suet when it is so cold.
Stay warm,
Dear Aluajala,
Thank you!
You are so kind to think of Corner and me. Some days I do get fussy...but it passes as soon as a bird or a bug takes me away.
When it is too cold to play with the birds Haikus put a warm smile on my face as do you!
Dear Mary,
Good to be a little silly, when the wind howls and the snows blow.
Good to play with words, when January lingers below freezing.
Smiles and laughter, we are all word-smiths.
Dear Meggie,
Thank you!
My husband and I looked up New South Wales. I thought you were on a seperate island but it looks as if you are on the mainland.
I would love to have a map where I could place a pin representing each of Corner's friends. I have a vivid imagination and it would be nice to have a jumping off spot for when I visit you! I do know you do not live on my Oak Street in mid-town!
Dear Shelia,
How exciting...your first Haiku. It is a delightful one too. Welcome to the world of the Haiku.
I am so honored to read the first of many I hope, thank you! I find when I am writing Haiku I am happy.
Stay warm under the blanket of Haiku!
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