Four Tufted Titmice came for seeds.
They chatted with each other.

A small flock of Juncos, male and females,
came for drinks.
The air was warming.
The ice was breaking up in the back garden pond.

The Chickadees are so sweet.
This is an old Cardinal couple.
These are my friends.
Rain changing to snow is in my forecast.
Cold Arctic air is on it's way.
Cold Arctic air is on it's way.
Yuk - that cold arctic air sounds awful. I certainly didn't send it your way. LOL!
Your birdies are so clear and bright. I love the first one with its beady eye looking at us.
Mr and Mrs Cardinal do look married, don't they? How old is old (for birds)?
You sure have a nice assortment of birds! On our way out this afternoon, we saw a dove under the bird feeder. I really need to learn more about our birds. Larry didn't know if this one never left, or if it is back from its migration. We do have a couple who have at least one baby each season. I asked Larry to stop so I could take a pic, but he didn't. He is goal oriented, and not process oriented like me. The goal was to get where we were going. Of course, once we were there, he had no choice but to wait for me while I was taking pics. LOL
Beautiful photos Sherry. Seeing your chickadee reminded me that we didn't see or hear one today. That seemed so odd. I hope they aren't on a decline.
Superb photography, Sherry! I love watching the birds. I can never see too many of them in my backyard, just as I can't see too many photos of them either! Your prose is very beautiful, too:)
Beautiful pictures Sherry!
Those Cardinals are stunning!
It is hot and sunny over here, I wish I could send you some sunshine and warmer weather :(
Great Birdie photos...
Dear Sherry.....the chickadees remind me a little of our great tits.......
The cardinals are so beautiful.....sweet couple......they look happy with you.......
Today has brought milder temperatures and gentle rain.....the wind will be picking up later but the ground is still frozen....
Little thrush brought her sweetheart to the garden yesterday.....I fed them both.....I think they are going to nest here........
I am
Great bird photos. I especially love the clarity of the eye in the titmouse. Beautiful.
These are lovely photos. Cardinals always make lovely couples, don't they?
Dear Wendy,
I think this Cardinal couple is 5 maybe 6 years old. I think some Cardinals have lived 10 plus years...good question...
Dear Sue,
Our Doves are year around residents as are so many of the winter birds. The Juncos are migratory. I have about 40 different species every month that come to the backyard feeders. Some months more or less.
Larry will get it one of these days... we always stop for photographs...
Dear Lisa,
I saw four the other day. I normally gave more in the winter.
I was thinking others are feeding so I do not have as many.
I do see more cats about this year.
Dear Jan,
Thank you.
It is so cold today I just feed the birds and came in. Too cold to walk too.
Dear Mel,
I could use some warmth today....brr...
Kisses and hugs,
Dear Dawn,
Thank you. These are my winter friends...
Dear Cheryl,
Oh my goodness...a Thrush couple.
They will sing to you in the summer evenings...
I am
Thanks for the loon...
Dear Bernie,
As you know the Tufted Titmouse does not sit still.
I do think it is a charming little bird.
Dear Wren,
Thank you.
The Cardinals do make lovely couples. I am happy to see them start being together a wee bit more. The males have been staying together and not pairing up with the females. I have seen a few couples in the gardens this week.
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